Dejavu & Destiny #FREE for family and friends

Dejavu bevat onder andere: Leila die smeulende, wulpse vrou. Die onbeskaamde, sletterige Monica. Iets anders as kos op die tafel. Hy het GROOT planne met haar. Sy is bang vir haar huweliksnag. Liefde by die oase. Liefde op die perd se rug. Die gedroogte wit roos.
ñ Skokkende geheim word onthul…

Destiny bevat onder andere: Die seksuele opkikkermiddel in die bredie. Die humeurige vroue slaner. Die albatros om sy nek. Dit voel asof haar hart wil breek. Die karnival en die Grinch.
Al wat sy wou hê was liefde…

Gratis eBoek. Dejavu & Destiny deur Flamingcrystal.

Omw…Just a click of a button and Wham!

Guess it is December Fools day here (instead of April Fools day.) *Grrrowls…*

A click of the wrong button (okay, okay…I agree, I was curious about the Sketch template) and WHAM everything on my blog changed.

Now I need to re-do and configure everything that I’ve worked on (almost forever) since Moses dropped the 10 commandments.

*Note to self: ‘Self…put a leash on your right thumb. Or Else!’*

If you love fantasy/sci-fi as much as I do, Nicholas Rossis’s books are great!

If you love fantasy/sci-fi as much as I do, Nicholas Rossis’s books are great!

(1) April 30, 2014 my review of The Schism:
A great introduction to Pearseus Rise of the Prince
The Schism starts with the space ship UES Pearseus with a lot of celebrities on board. Under the influence of the voices in his head, First Mate Croix could not concentrate and disaster strikes which throws the space ship through space…and time. The ship falls apart and a lot of the people on board being killed. Some were lucky escaping with pods and crash landing on another close-by planet. First Mate Croix still under influence of the voices in his head, now has the ambition to become a Dictator. The Schism is a great introduction to Pearseus Rise of the Prince.

(2) May 8, 2014 My review of The Power of Six:
I highly recommend this set of six stories.
I love all 6 of this short Science Fiction Stories, by the bestselling author of “Pearseus Rise of the Prince”, and “The Schism” – Nicholas C. Rossis. My favorite story here is “A Fresh Start” – love is more important than gems- I also had a good chuckle at a certain part in this story, in my Minds’ Eye popped up a very funny picture- of the late Johann Sebastiaan Bach- that suddenly comes to life, lifts his eyebrow – then smirks, while huffing and puffing lifts his piano then wields it as if it’s a sword…

(3) August 19, 2014 my review of Pearseus, Rise of the Prince: 
It moved me to tears! Almost from the beginning, it amazed me. The cruelty of Styx moved me to tears, as did the subsequent feelings of suspense, relief and shock as the story unfolded and the ending drew closer. This is a highly recommended book, that I couldn’t put down. I’m now looking forward to the next book in the series.

(4) July 2, 2015 My review of
Shoot the Devil in Issue #1 Nonlocal Science Fiction:
My favorite from the 10 short stores in Issue #1 of this Nonlocal Science Fiction, is Shoot the Devil by author Nicholas C. Rossis. I could felt the protagonist glee when he traveled back in time to kill a scum-bag. I would recommend that you buy all of the issues printed by Nonlocal Science Fiction! *Contemplating* Hmm, if I could travel back in time what would be the one thing that I would do that could change history forever…well with the horrific events in current South Africa, I would have kicked a certain politician till kingdom come, before he could be elected and in doing so it would have prevented that he would spend R246 million of the tax-payers money for his own financial gain…

(5) July 3, 2015 My review of Infinite Waters:
Lucid dreams become a very scary experience…
My favorite short story is the one with the twins that hated each other so much that they fought each other while having lucid/astral projection dreams…
In this dreams their thoughts about each other guided the outcome of this very scary experience. I would recommend this book to science fiction lovers & those who enjoy reading supernatural stories.

©Geeste Portaal by Flamingcrystal #FREE download

©Fatal Fantasy by Flamingcrystal #FREE download

Die boek waaroor (byna) almal gaan skinder…

©Fatal Fantasy deur Flamingcrystal

Dit bevat onder andere:
Die Flerrie
Herman Die Helsim
Alice Die Fortuin Soeker
Agterbakse Vroue
In Die Visier Van ñ Nimfomaan
Die Gebreide ‘Willy Warmer’
Die Man en Die Tiener
Alpha Male Verlei Die Weduwee
Die Huwelik In Die Gesels Kamer
Aangevuur deur Jaloesie
Devil In White Boots
Die Chippendales
Telepatie óf Voorbode
Die Vulgêre Klipspringer
Honeylicious Steel ñ Skuilnaam
Skokkende Gebeure By Die Kerk

Geeste Portaal by Flamingcrystal #FREE download

Bloed op haar hande: Vroue agter tralies.

Bloed op haar hande: Vroue agter tralies (Afrikaans Edition)
deur Carla van der Spuy

Produk Beskrywing op Amazon:

Wat laat vroue moor? En hoe voel dit om ’n sel met moordenaresse te deel?

Carla van der Spuy besoek vier vrouetronke reg oor Suid-Afrika en klim in die koppe van vroue wat geweldsmisdade gepleeg het.

Sy kuier by die babas gebore agter tralies, vier Kersfees in die tronk en gesels van aangesig tot aangesig met mesmoordenaresse, huurmoordenaresse, ’n kleptomaan en prostituut.

Vrouens met bloed op hulle hande.

Wat het so verskriklik skeef in hul lewens geloop? En is daar ’n mens agter die misdadiger?

Geeste Portaal by Flamingcrystal #FREE download

Gmff… Wonder waar is daardie klein klikbek, ek wil haar goed die skrik op die lyf jaag!

Die Onskuldige. Gedeelte uit Geeste Portaal.©Flamingcrystal

Vicky sweef deur die muur na buite omdat sy wil voel hoe dit is om deur ñ muur te kon sweef. Nogals nie te sleg om so deur ñ muur te glip nie.

Gmff… Wonder waar is daardie klein klikbek ek wil haar goed die skrik op die lyf jaag, dink Vicky.

Dit is ñ warm lente dag.

Die voëls begin dadelik erg tekere gaan en hulle kwetter gelyktydig toe hulle iets naby hulle sien verby sweef. Vicky wys met haar vinger na hulle. “Shut up” beveel sy hulle.

Hulle hou dadelik op met kwetter.

Dit is nou doodstil selfs nie eens die bome se blare roer nie. Dit is asof almal en alles hulle asem ophou om te sien wat nou gaan gebeur.

Vicky sien dat Lienkie buite op ñ sonstoel voor die swembad lê. Lienkie is kort en stewig gebou.

Haar lang swart krullerige hare hang vanaf die sonstoel tot op die grond.

Lienkie se bobene is so breed soos die Heer se genade dink Vicky.

Haar oë pop amper uit hulle kaste toe sy die gewaagde bikini sien wat Lienkie aan het. Maar dit is na Lienkie se reuse borste wat so oral by die bikini se bostuk uitpeul waarna Vicky nou staar.

Sy het nog nooit sulke groot ‘boobs’ gesien nie.

Sjoewee! Lienkie het hengse groot ‘boobs’ wanneer sy oud is en dit nie onder die toilet sitplek wil vasknyp nie sal sy dit soos ñ strik agter haar rug moes vasknoop, dink Vicky en giggel saggies.

Lienkie is vas aan die slaap.

Daar lê ñ ‘Teen Magazine’ bo-oor Lienkie se gesig. Haar asemhaling laat die tydskrif se bladsye op en af wip.

Vicky lig Lienkie met stoel en al op en sweef met haar na die middel van die swembad.

Geeste Portaal by Flamingcrystal #FREE download

Juanita het agteroor geval so uit soos ñ kers.

Gedeelte uit Die Grapmaker: ñ hoofstuk uit Geeste Portaal
#GRATIS beskikbaar by Smashwords.

Die leerlinge wou hulle slaplag toe hulle sien hoe Juanita een van die Juffrou se gewoontes ook perfek naboots. Juanita het haar kammakastige brilletjie met haar duim ñ bietjie hoër oor haar neus geskuif en so ñ kuggie gegee terwyl sy dit doen.

Vicky Petro en Ryan was die enigstes wat nie vir Juanita se streke gelag het nie. Fronsend het Juanita die 3 aangegluur omdat hulle haar nie snaaks bevind het nie.

Juanita het met ñ grinnik op Ryan afgestap gekom hom uit sy stoel gelig en hom bo-op Elsa se tafel gaan neerplak.

“Hier is my volgende slagoffer… He-Hik-Hehe-Hik-Hehehe-Hik lag Juanita en beskou Ryan van kop tot tone. “Soos julle kon sien een met ñ yster-stut rondom sy linkerbeen en ñ opgeboude skoentjie” voordat sy verder praat en Ryan se sagte stem namaak.

“Ek is ñ piepklein ou seuntjie wat so klein is dat ek op ñ stukkie toiletpapier kon sit en nogsteeds my voetjies met gemak kon rondswaai…oepsie my een voetjie met gemak kon rondswaai” stel Juanita die sakie reg en luidkeels lag sy weer He-Hik-Hehe-Hik-Hehehe-Hik.

Hierdie keer het niemand saam met Juanita gelag nie. ñ Mens spot nie met iemand wat gebreklik is nie.

Ryan het as baba polio opgedoen. Hy dra die ysterstut aan sy been en die opgeboude skoen omrede sy linkerbeen baie korter as sy regterbeen is. Daar is geen spiere aan sy linkerkuit nie.

Vicky was onmiddellik smoorkwaad.

In een vloeiende beweging het sy van haar stoel opgestaan na die verbaasde Ryan gestap hom van die tafel afgetel en hom terug na sy stoel gedra.

Daarna het Vicky op Juanita afgestorm vir Juanita ñ regterhaak hou met haar vuis reg op Juanita se ken gegee net toe Elsa die klas binnestap.

Juanita het agteroor geval so uit soos ñ kers.

Elsa het Vicky aan haar oor gegryp en haar by die klas se deur uitgesleep sonder om eens te vra waaroor die bakleiery gegaan het. Sy het Vicky reguit na die Skool-Hoof se kantoor gesleep.

Geeste Portaal by Flamingcrystal #FREE download

Pauline vind geluk.

Pauline Vind Geluk (Afrikaans Edition) (Kindle Edition)
By Johan Crous

Product Description on Amazon:

Wessel Bruwer verbreek sy verhouding met sy liefde, Mandie, toe sy nie met hom wil trou nie en sy ‘n oop verhouding wil hê.

Hy verhuis terug na Suid-Afrika en werk as vlieënier by Meyer Industries in George.

Pauline Niemand Marx, die suksesvolle eiendomsagent se lewe kom tot stilstand toe haar man haar los vir ‘n jong kind. Haar hart is gebreek.

Na ‘n suksesvolle noodlanding, wat sy vanuit haar vriendin se kantoor aanskou het, ontmoet Pauline vir Wessel en daar is onmiddellik ‘n vonk tussen die twee.

Wessel slaan haar voete onder haar uit en hulle weet vroeg hulle wil mekaar hê, ongeag die ouderdomsverskil. Wessel vra haar om met hom te trou en hulle raak verloof.

Wanneer sy op film, met haar eie oë sien hoe hy ‘n misdaad pleeg en ‘n ander vrou bemin, soos hy haar bemin het, gee sy hom die trekpas.

Sy werk ontslaan hom summier.
Hy word gearresteer en vervolg vir rampokkery.

By die hof word hy geskiet en Pauline besef sy het hom steeds lief. Hy oorleef en word in die hof onskuldig bevind.

Sy weet ook nou hy is onskuldig en sy het hom geen kans gegee om homself te verdedig nie.

Na hy eers weg is ontdek sy dat sy swanger is. Sy smag met haar hele wese om weer in sy arms te kan wees.

Hy reis tussen drie kontinente in lewensgevaarlike omstandighede en moet selfs vir sy lewe veg. Hy is direk behulpsaam met die dwelmbaas, wat alles beplan het, se inhegtenisneming en bewys aan die wêreld sy onskuld.

Hy kan sy Pauline nie vergeet nie. Hy is bereid om enige iets te doen, selfs vuil spel om haar terug te kry. Haar vriendinne wil haar net so graag weer by hom sien.

Hy weet daar sal nooit weer ‘n ander vrou vir hom kan wees nie.

Geeste Portaal by Flamingcrystal #FREE download

Humoristiese Oomblik in ñ Aanlyn Gesels Kamer.


Sonja het uit nuuskierigheid by een van die gesels kamers van ‘Fatal Fantasy’ gaan inloer.

Tot haar verbasing het almal daar haar gegroet asof sy ñ ou vriendin was, en haar daar laat welkom voel.

Die heel eerste keer toe iemand haar ‘asrl’ vra, het Sonja haar byna asvaal geskrik en gedink daardie afkorting beteken ‘alle seks regtig lekker’ of so iets. Sy het vir daardie persoon gesê “Sies julle is vieslik, ek gaan waai!”

Net voordat sy wou ‘exit’ sien sy dat iemand haar vra waarom sy gesê het dat hulle vieslik was, en sy antwoord “dit is omdat julle ‘asrl’ gevra het.”

Een van die ander dames, ñ gereelde kletskamer gebruiker vra vir Sonja wat sy gedink het ‘asrl’ beteken en Sonja vertel hulle.

Hulle het byna dubbeld gevou van die lag. “Nee jislaaik! Dit beteken jou ‘age, sex, race & location” het almal byna gelyktydig geteks.

Sonja het soos ñ aap gevoel, sy was mos nog nuut in die aanlyn gesels gedoente en het nie die betekenisse van hulle afkortings geken nie.

Een oggend vroeg wals Marius onder die skuilnaam Hunter die kletskamer waar Sonja nou gereeld onder die skuilnaam van Destiny gesels het, binne.

Hunter het dadelik aan Destiny gevra wat haar asrl was, en Sonja het ewe windgat terug geantwoord dat sy van Neverland was, en as hy nie weet waar dit was nie…dit is north of naughty, south of sexy, east of exotic and west of wicked!”

Hunter het dadelik afgehaak en gesê dat hy sou moes kophou met daardie 4 windrigtings of HY sou dalk glad nie SY Destiny bereik nie.

Marius was nuuskierig om te weet hoe hierdie windgat Destiny lyk en het gevra dat sy haarself aan hom moes beskryf.

‘Hmmm laat ek bietjie dink wat ek vir hierdie vent gaan sê sodat hy so vinnig op die vlug sal slaan, dat dit lyk asof hy homself van agter af gaan inhardloop’ het Sonja gedink en gegrinnik.

Tong in die kies antwoord Destiny vir Hunter en sê “ek is ñ lelike heks met yl dun pers haartjies soos ñ plaaslyn se telefoon gelui…twee kort en twee lank en die res sukkel om deur te kom. Ek het ñ lang dun neus soos ñ verdroogde geelwortel en dit hang op my ken. My ken hang tot op my ‘boobs’ en my ‘boobs’ tot op my maag. My maag hang oor my knieë en my knieë hang tot oor my tone. My toon naels is soos skopgrawe, die boer gebruik my om sy lande daarmee om te ploeg.”

Die mense wat in die kletskamer was het geskree van die lag.

Marius het in sy geestesoog die prentjie van daardie heks gesien. Hy het dadelik besef dat Destiny hom aspris die verkeerde idee wil gee oor hoe sy in werklikheid lyk.

Marius het daarop geantwoord “daardie heks lyk net soos my droomvrou!”

‘Shame die arme man moet desperaat wees dat tot ñ lelike heks vir hom na sy droomvrou lyk’ het Sonja gedink en hardop gelag.

“Watter size skoene dra jy met daardie vreeslike toon naels?” Wou Hunter weet.

Destiny antwoord hom “ñ size 8 maar as my pienk geverfde toon naels geknip is, dan dra ek ñ size 3.”

Geeste Portaal by Flamingcrystal #FREE download

Die swaard en die rottang.

Ek is in die middel van die park. Daar is swaaie, glyplanke en rondomalies waarop kinders bedags speel.

Eers sien ek hoe vier mense die twee jong vrouens martel. Al vier hierdie aanvallers het swart pette op.

Om die beurt verkrag die twee mans die vrouens wie se hande en voete met silwer kleef band vasgemaak is, terwyl die derde man met ñ swaard gate oral in al die spiere van die vrouens steek.

Kort kort haal die een met die swaard sy pet van sy kop af om die sweet daarmee van sy voorkop af te vee. Hy is lank. Ses voet iets. Hy het lig blou oë. Sy hare is kortgeskeer. Soos ñ ou wat besig is om bles te raak en dit wil verbloem.

Die ander persoon is nie so groot gebou soos die res van die mans nie, en het ñ masker op.

Soos die tipe maskers wat mens na ñ maskerbal dans dra, wat jou oë beklemtoon en die res van jou gesig wegsteek.

Daardie persoon het hazel groen oë. Byna dieselfde kleur as myne maar sonder die goudspikkels in myne.

Die een met die masker het ñ rottang in die hand. Dit is ñ soepel, buigsame swart rottang met ñ ivoor handsvatsel.

Dieselfde tipe handsvatsel as dié van die swaard.

So asof dit ying yang is en bymekaar pas. Mekaar aanvul. Saam geskep is. Albei veroorsaak verskillende tipes pyn, die een hits die ander aan…

Ek sien dat die blonde vrou reeds dood is maar die twee verkragters gaan nogsteeds aan, sy is soos die vulsel van ñ toebroodjie vasgeknyp tussen die twee mans. Een bo op en een onder haar. Hul gee nie om dat sy alreeds dood is nie! Terwyl haar vleis nog warm is…

Ek sien hoe die een met die rottang die een met die swaard aanhits om weer die jong vrou met die lang swart hare met die swaard te steek.

Hy begin om die swaard deur sy slagoffer se kuite te druk, dan hits die een met rottang hom aan, gee hom ñ paar houe oor sy sitvlak en ek sien hoe dit hom ñ ereksie laat kry, elke keer wat hy die swaard deur die vleis van die vrou druk kry hy ñ verdere paar houe oor sy liggaam.

Sy oë raak grysblou en glasig van genot.

Hy het die swaard 60 keer deur die lyf van die vrou gedruk, hy tel hardop elke steekslag af.

Die vrou begin nou stuiptrekkings te kry. Haar rug trek krom soos die sekelstert van ñ bedreigde kat.

Ek sien hoe die swaard se lem nog ñ paar keer op verskillende plekke deur haar heupe en sye sny. Hoe hy dit aspris baie stadig sentimeter vir sentimeter die lem in haar druk en nog stadiger uit trek.

Die een met die rottang slaan die ou met nou oor sy hande en daarna oor sy voete.

As teken om te stop.

Hy hou dadelik op.

Die persoon met die rottang verwyder die masker en die pet en gooi dit op die grond neer. Lang roesbruin krullerige hare tuimel na benede.

Ek verstar geskok toe ek sien dat dit ñ vrou is.

Hy kniel en plaas die swaard langsaan hierdie vrou se voete neer. As teken dat hy nou heeltemal aan haar genade uitgelewer is.

Sy gooi die rottang langsaan sy swaard neer, gryp die man aan sy ore, ruk hom orent; nader aan haar en soen hom met ñ passie wat vensters sou kon laat toe wasem.

“Kom ons gaan huistoe” sê die man so tussen die soene deur.

Die vrou knik haar kop, en loer na die swaard en na die rottang. “Los dit, hulle ken die pad terug na hulle base” antwoord die man.

Daarna hardloop hulle hand aan hand van die toneel af weg.

Ek sweef bo-oor die twee vrouens en sien dat die swarthaar vrou se borskas nog steeds liggies beweeg soos wat sy asemhaal.

Die ander blonde vrou wat dood is, se verkragters het die pad gevat terwyl my aandag op die man en vrou se gevryery gevestig was.

Dit is skielik pikdonker en groot reëndruppels plof neer wat die stof met so ñ harde slag tref dat dit opskiet boontoe en my in die gesig tref.

Ek moet die aanvallers kry, maar eers wil ek hulp kry vir die aangerande vrou wat nog lewe.

Daar is nou geen bakens sigbaar nie.

Daar is te veel grondpaaie, bokspoorpaaie en deur mense getrapte voetpaaie en alles lyk dieselfde in die donker.

Ek vra God om my hand te vat en my te lei waarheen ek moet gaan, en voel hoe my regterhand gevat word.

Ek vlieg laag oor die bome en kom by n plek waar vier paaie voor my lê. Ek kyk na heel linkerkantste pad en voel hoe my hand yskoud word.

Dadelik voel ek aan dit is nie die rigting waarheen ek moet gaan nie.

Automaties kyk ek daarna heel regs en voel weer hoe my hand yskoud word. Dit is ook nie uit daardie rigting waar ek hulp vandaan sou kry nie.

Ek kyk nou na die twee middelste kleiner paaie en vlieg drie tree vorentoe en huiwer bo die linkerkantste pad. My hand word louwarm.

Ek vlieg agteruit, nader aan die kruising tot by die regterkantse pad. My hand word dadelik vuurwarm. Ek weet dat hierdie pad die een is wat ek moet volg.

Die pad lei deur grotte.

Die volmaan skyn in ñ silwer wit lig deur n gat in die tonnel.

Rondom my is die grotte soos tonnels gegrawe uit grond. Daar is vier tonnels. Drie voet breed en ses voet hoog. Soos grafte uit grond gegrawe, maar rond en nie langwerpig nie.

Ek kies die een heel regs, en ek voel hoe my hand onmiddellik vuurwarm word.

Ek vlieg horisontaal, met my arms voor my uitgestrek en met my maag omtrent twee voet van die bodem af, die middel van die grot binne.

Sodat ek nie perongeluk aan die kante, bodem of bokant moet raak nie. Hordes vlermuise hang onderstebo aan die bokant van die grot.

Die grond aan die bo en sykante klink nie baie stabiel nie, kort kort hoor en voel ek hoe daar handevol grond na benede tuimel.

Die reuk van nat grond gemeng met die reuk van rotte en vlermuise se mis is oorweldigend. Ek druk my neus toe en haal liggies deur my mond asem.

Ek sien hoe groot vet rotte ligvoets en luidkeels piepende wegskarrel oor die grond.

Instinktief volg ek hulle.

Soos die fluitspeler van Hamlet, maar in die geval is dit andersom, ek volg en hulle lei my na die uitgang van die grot.

So ñ paar kilometer verder sien ek polisiemanne aangery kom en stop die voorste voertuig. Ek sê aan die blanke polisieman dat hulle agter my moes aanry tot waar ek aan hulle sou wys waar om stil te hou. Vandaar af sou hulle my dan te voet verder moes volg…

Ek sal hulle gaan wys waar die vrouens is, en ek vra die polisieman dat hy die ambulans helikopter moes skakel vir die vrou wat nog lewe.

Hulle ry agter my aan tot waar hulle die voertuie agterlos. Gou besef hulle dat ek reg was, dat die enigste manier om die aangevalde vroue te bereik vanuit die lug of te voet deur die grotte was.

Nie een van die polisiemanne vind dit vreemd dat ek kon vlieg nie.

Ek is terug in die grot.

Ek kyk om en sien die flitsligte van die polisie manne agter my aankom. Op een of ander manier volg hulle my nie so vinnig soos wat ek gehoop het nie. Dit is of iets hulle stadiger maak. Tog is die lig van hulle flitse wat ek nog agter my sien, gerusstellend.

Toe ek by die grot se bek uitkom staan Cecile, my sussie, ongeveer drie meter vanaf die ingang. Ek vertel haar van die aanvallers. Sy wil saam met my gaan om hulle te gaan soek.

Ek wil nie hê dat sy saam met my moes gaan nie, dit is te gevaarlik, en sy kon nie vlieg nie. Dit sou te stadig gaan as ek saam met haar moes stap.

My rug is te seer vir stap.

Ek sê haar dat ek saam met haar daar vir die polisie manne sou wag. Sy weier dat ons daar wag.

Skielik verskyn die swaard en die rottang en land met ñ sagte plop geluid reg voor ons op die grond.

Voordat ek haar nog kon waarsku dat daardie swaard vervloek is, buk Cecile en tel die swaard op.

“Ousus, vat jy maar eerder die rottang, ek is bietjie vinniger op my voete as jy daarom vat ek die swaard!” Beveel sy my en begin dapper aanstap op die smal voetpadjie.

Ek vlieg nader, land op my voete, en die rottang styg van die grond af op. Ingedagte strek ek my regterhand daarna uit.

Ek wil nie haar alleen laat stap nie, haar nie aan alleen aan haar lot oorlaat nie, en vooruit vlieg nie. Al gaan dit stadiger wees as om te vlieg, kan ek haar nie NOU alleen laat nie.

Solank sy aan my linker hand bly vashou sal sy veilig wees. Sy gryp my hand vas. Ek stap voor.

Dit is effens skemer, kort voor dagbreek.

Ons sien gelyktydig die huis tussen die wilgerbome naby die rand van die spruit raak.

Ek fluister vir haar “ons moet nou versigtig wees.” Sy knik haar kop. Sy is dapper. Sy het mos die swaard in haar hand…

Voetjie vir voetjie sluip ons nader aan die huis. Daar is twee swart, hout deure reg langsaan mekaar.

Voor die linkerkantste deur lê die masker wat die vroulike aanvaller vantevore aangehad het. Dadelik plak ek dit oor my oë.

Ek stoot Cecile agter my in, sodat sy nie van die huis af sigbaar sou wees nie. Sy is die helfte kleiner as ek.

Ek fluister sag “as ek my hand so regop hou, moet jy dadelik stop.” Ons kom nou al nader aan die twee deure.

Ek wys met my vinger voor my mond vir Cecile om stil te wees en beduie dat sy my moes volg na die regterkantste deur wat effens oopstaan.

Sy knik haar kop. Instemmend dat sy stil sou wees en my sou volg, of doodstil sou staan as ek haar sou wys om te stop.

Sy klou nou met beide hande aan die swaard vas en hou dit reguit en gereed voor haar.

Ek bereik die regterkantste oop deur en sien een van die aanvallers hurkend op sy knieë in die kombuis voor iets sit. In my gedagtes hoor ek ñ stem iets aan my fluister, ek hoor duidelik die naam Gerrit en die woord GEVAAR.

Dadelik wys ek vir Cecile om te stop, en dat sy doodstil moes bly staan. Ek skud ook my kop om te beduie sy mag nie alleen by die linkerkantste deur ingaan nie. Weer wys ek haar dat sy moet stop en daar vir my moet wag.

Nie een van ons merk die sekuriteits-wag op wat luiweg teen die muur van die huis geleun staan nie. Hy is in die skaduwee van ñ groot boom gehul.

Sommige van die boom se takke skuur oor die huis se dak. Die klank daarvan is so irriterend soos bordkryt wat doelbewus skuins oor ñ swartbord getrek word.

Met meer moed as wysheid stap ek by die regterkantse deur in en roep na die gebukkende ou “Gerrit?”

Hy gee so skrams kyk eers na die rottang in my hand en daarna na die masker op my gesig en die hazel kleur van my oë en antwoord kortaf “badkamer.”

Ek hou hom dop en sien dat hy in die gang af loer na die eerste deur.

Ek knipoog vir hom en vol bravade knak ek die rottang se punte so na mekaar toe, terwyl ek ondeund glimlag. Ek neem aan dat hy dadelik snap wat die betekenis daarvan is en wat daar op Gerrit in die badkamer wag.

Hy grinnik terug en lek oor sy lippe.

Ek stap by hom verby in die gang af.

Ek maak die badkamer se deur saggies oop.

Gerrit is nie daar nie.

Ek sien die vrou met die lang roesbruin hare in die shower. Sy het my nie gehoor inkom nie. Sy staan met haar rug na my toe.

Op die wasbak se kas staan ñ potplant. Ek gryp die blompot waarin daar ñ varing groei en skuif die stort se gordyn saggies weg. Ek slaan die vrou teen haar kop met die blompot. Sy tuimel bewusteloos op die grond neer.

Ek stap terug en toe ek by die kombuisdeur uitstap staan die wag met die groen khaki klere daar. Daar is geen teken van Cecile of die ou wat in die kombuis was nie.

Die wag kyk na die masker op my gesig en die rottang in my hand en hy sê dadelik, sonder dat ek hom vra, “die een wat netnou saam met jou gekom het, is by daardie deur in.” Hy wys met sy vinger in die rigting van die linkerkantste deur. Ek vra hom “waar is Gerrit” en hy antwoord “hy is ñ rukkie gelede hier uit, net nadat jy met hom in die kombuis gepraat het” en hy beduie na dieselfde linkerkantste deur.

Ek skrik my yskoud.

Ek maak die deur oop en sien da/ar is ñ lang gang. Daar is twee deure links en twee deure regs.

Skielik hoor ek Cecile se stem uitroep. “Wees my genadig!” Dit is duidelik dat sy huil en in pyn verkeer.

Ek vlieg in die gang af in die rigting waar haar stem vandaan kom.

Ek hoor haar weer uitroep “Hê genade!” Haar stem klink hees van pyn.

Ek moet my sussie kry voordat daardie monster haar vermoor!
My hart klop hoorbaar in my keel. My ore suis. My hande bewe uit skok. Ek laat amper die rottang val.

Ek moet daardie monster keer!

Ek hoor my sussie se stem ñ derde keer uitroep en hierdie keer klink dit sag, hortend en na ñ moedelose gepleit… “Genade!” Haar stem kom uit die rigting van die heel laaste deur aan die regterkant van die gang. Ek hoor my sussie se stem ñ derde keer uitroep en hierdie keer klink dit sag, hortend en na ñ moedelose gepleit… “Genade! Ek hoor my sussie se stem ñ derde keer uitroep en hierdie keer klink dit sag, hortend en na ñ moedelose gepleit… “Genade! Hê Ge…” Haar stem kom uit die rigting van die heel laaste deur aan die regterkant van die gang.

Ek ruk die deur oop. Gerrit staan wydsbeen bo-oor my sussie, die swaard is in beide van sy hande vasgeklem, hoog bokant sy kop gelig, hy maak gereed om haar hart te deurboor. Ek hardloop nader en met al my krag slaan ek hom met die rottang oor sy voete. Hy kom onmiddellik uit sy waansinnige, bloedlustige bedwelming en gooi die swaard voor my voete neer. Ek swaai die rottang oor na my linkerhand en met een vloeiende beweging lig ek die swaard van die vloer af en deurboor sy hart.
Ek ruk die masker van my gesig af en gooi dit met geweld van my af weg. My sussie is bewusteloos. Sy haal vlak en baie saggies asem. Dankie Vader, sy lewe nog! Ek tel my sussie oor my skouer en vlieg met haar by die deur uit.
Flamingcrystal Softly Whisper… Die Swaard En Die Rottang.


Die Onskuldige.

©Kopiereg Flamingcrystal
Marlaine Lloyd

Deel 3 uit Geeste Portaal.

Die Onskuldige:

Vicky sien hoe sy deur die lug seil. Sy sien hoe sy al hoe nader aan die TV se skerm kom.

Sy sien hoe die een afskuwelike gesig van die boom in die TV se skerm sy mond wawyd oop rek. “Jou aaklige ding, sit my dadelik neer!” Gil Vicky vir die Gees wat haar al nader aan die TV se skerm bring.

Vicky skop, maar dit baat haar niks. Sy voel hoe haar voorkop aan die TV se skerm raak. Vicky hoor ñ slurp geluid en besef die boom het haar sowaar ingesluk.

Eienaardig sy, voel nogsteeds nie bang nie.

Vicky sien hoe sy kop eerste na die onderkant van die boom val. Sy tol in die rondte, binne in die boom. Vicky windmeul haar arms om haar balans te probeer hou. Dit help nie. Hoe nader sy aan die bodem kom, hoe vinniger tol sy in die rondte. Die bodem van die boom is soos ñ tregter wat haar na onder suig, soos water wat uit ñ bad tap.

Meteens kom sy plat op haar maag te lande op die bodem van die boom. Die slag waarmee sy die bodem tref, slaan haar winduit. Vicky snak na haar asem. Eina Flippit dit was seer brom sy vies.

Sy staan stadig soos ñ ou tante van die boom se bodem af op. Sy beweeg al haar ledemate om te voel of daar nie iets gebreek is nie. Daar is geen merkie op haar nie, nie eens ñ skraapmerkie nie. Eienaardig…

Vicky kyk om haar rond, en sien dat dit byna soos ñ hysbak aan die binnekant van hierdie uitgeholde boom lyk.

Daar is geen opening, of ontsnap-roete, na buite nie. Prewel Vicky ingedagte.

Vicky draai om en sit plat op haar alie. Sy skop woedend teen die kante van die boom. Vicky probeer om ñ gat deur die boom te skop sodat sy kon ontsnap. Dit help, niks. Daar val nie eens ñ splinter af nie.

Skielik hoor sy, ñ ‘click’ gevolg deur ñ whoosh whoosh. Die ‘click’ geluid klink vir Vicky soos dié van ñ sleutel wat ñ slot oopsluit, en die whoosh whoosh geluid soos dié wat die ou staan horlosie in die plaashuis van haar Ouma maak wanneer die ketting onderaan die wysers heen en weer swaai.

Vicky staan van die vloer af op en kyk in die rigting van waar sy die geluid hoor kom het. Sy sien dat daar ñ stuk van die boom se bas aan die binnekant weggeskuif het. Dit is ñ stuk van die boom se bas wat heen en weer voor ñ klein ronde opening swaai.

Vicky staan op haar tone om hierdie opening van naderby te beskou. Sy merk op dat daar 12 gekleurde ronde knoppe binne hierdie opening is.

Genade, die knoppe lyk net soos die kleur wiel, wat in my kamer hang! Roep sy verbaas en kliphard uit.

Vicky wonder wat sou gebeur indien sy een van die knoppe druk.

Sy strek haar hand uit en wonder watter een van die kleur knoppe sy moes druk, wat die boom sou laat oopskuif, soos die rots voor daardie grot waar Alladin, open sesame gesê, en die rots weggeskuif het.

Toe haar hand nader aan die knoppe kom, vibreer die boom. Vicky gil -oh hel nou’s ek in groot moeilikheid, en sy spring agteruit. Die vibrasie hou net so skielik op as wat dit, begin het.

Verbaas sien Vicky dat 11 van die gekleurde knoppe wat voorheen daar was, nou skielik onsigbaar is. Slegs een knop is nou sigbaar. Die witte.

Vicky staan weer op haar tone, en bekyk die knop van alle kante. Dit lyk vir haar heeltemal onskadelik… Sy merk op dat daar nou iets op hierdie knop, geskryf staan. Dit is ñ naam, en daar staan ook iets anders langsaan die naam geskryf.

Die naam van een van haar klasmaats, Lienkie. Langsaan die naam staan: Ego tipe…Die Onskuldige.

Waarom sou haar naam nou juis op hierdie wit knop geskryf staan? Wonder sy.

Sonder om twee-keer daaroor na te dink, strek Vicky haar hand uit en met ñ vingertjie wat bewe van opgewondenheid, druk sy die wit knop.

Meteens begin die vloer van die boom met haar opstyg. Dit kom rukkend en skuddend tot stilstand, en Vicky se maag slaan bollemakiese. Dit voel vir haar presies soos wanneer ñ hysbak op die volgende verdieping tot stilstand kom.

Die boom se bas aan die binnekant skuif groter oop. Vicky stap nuuskiering deur die opening, en merk op dat sy nogsteeds binne in die boom is.

Daar staan ñ tafel in die middel van hierdie deel van die boom. Vicky sien dat daar iets op die tafel lê. Sy stap nader. Vicky leun oor die tafel, en sien dat dit ñ dokument was. Sy tel dit op en lees wat daarop, staan.

Bo-aan staan geskryf: Kontrak aangegaan tussen die Boom Gees, en Vicky Loots.

Vicky se oë rek toe sy lees wat die kontrak bepaal. Die kontrak stipuleer dat sy vanaf die oomblik wat sy aan daardie wit knop geraak het, in ñ Gees verander het.

Vicky lees die volgende paar sinne hardop…Indien jy lewend wil terugkeer na jou moeder, moet jy 12 take suksesvol afhandel. Indien jy, Vicky Loots, nie daarin slaag nie, gaan jy vir ewig vasgevang wees in die gedaante van ñ Gees.

Haar hande, begin effens bewe. Die kontrak val op die vloer.

Vicky sien haar moeder se gesig voor haar, en besef dat dit haar moeder sou verpletter indien sy nie sou terugkeer nie. Al voel dit vir haar soms asof Angelique nie omgee vir haar nie, besluit Vicky dat sy die take gaan doen, terwille van haar moeder.

Vicky buk af. Sy tel die kontrak van die boom se vloer af, op. Sy ruk haarself met mening reg, en kners op haar tande. Daarna gluur sy na die boonste gedeelte van die boom, waar die Boom Gees se onsigbare oë, elke beweging van haar dophou.

Die 12 take wat sy moet uitvoer, het elkeen ñ spesifieke doel. Op die kontrak was daar in ñ swierige handskrif geskryf, dat daar 12 Tipe mense is, en elkeen word deur iets aangedryf of gemotiveer. Elke tipe het hulle eie waardes, betekenisse en persoonlike gewoontes.

Dit word ingedeel, in 3 dele, hulle Ego, Siel en Self…

Vicky wonder waarom hierdie tipe mense en hulle ego, siel en self, so pertinent daar in die kontrak staan. Goeie Genade, moet ek sowaar deur die hele ellelange kontrak lees, gmfff asof ek nie genoeg huiswerk kry, waar ek alles oor en oor moet lees nie? Dink Vicky onvergenoegd.

Vicky neem die glimmende pen wat op die tafel lê, en teken die kontrak.

Vicky staar die kontrak en die pen agterna toe dit meteens deur die lug vlieg en in die niet verdwyn.

Sy is egter nuuskierig om uit te vind hoe dit voel om ñ Gees te wees.

Vicky sien uit na die take.

Sy glimlag eers en daarna ontsier ñ frons haar voorkop, toe sy onthou dat die kontrak bepaal dat sy slegs na die persoon toe kon gaan, wie se naam op die knop staan, en dan dadelik weer terug geteleporteer sou word na die boom. Sy sou dus nie na enige-een kon gaan om hulle net vir die pret, die skrik op die lyf te kon jaag nie.

Binne in die boom hang daar ñ towerspieël. Normaalweg is Geeste onsigbaar in enige spieël, maar beslis nie in hierdie een nie.

Vicky stap nader aan die spieël en sien dat sy ñ wit gedaante het. Dit lyk amper asof daar ñ laken oor haar gegooi is. Slegs Vicky se amandel bruin oë is herkenbaar. Bleh, dink sy dadelik, kon die Boom Gees nie iets meer oorspronkliks gekies het vir my heel eerste taak nie?

Woerts daar verander Vicky in ñ huiswerk-boek.

Vicky hoor ñ harde stem wat van die bo-punt van die boom kom. Sy wip soos sy skrik.

Die stem klink half ongeduldig, en heel duidelik nie lus vir haar tiener tantrums nie. “Vicky Loots… Luister en luister baie mooi, ek gaan dit net een keer aan jou verduidelik.”

Right, laat ek maar luister wat hy te sê het, hy klink half omgekrap”. Dink Vicky en vryf met haar toon oor die boom se vloer.

“Nie alle Geeste tree met ñ spesifieke doel op nie. Die meeste van hulle toon geen teken van enige intelligensie nie…” Die Boom Gees skep asem.

Vicky dink sulke Geeste dommer is as grond en hulle hysbakkies gaan defnitief nie tot heel bo nie. Die ligte is aan maar die mense is nie tuis nie. Sy giggel, saggies.

Die Boom Gees grinnik toe hy Vicky se gedagtes lees.

Hy maak sy stem nou strenger en gaan voort “ñ Voorbeeld hiervan is Geeste wat deur die mure of geslote deure gaan en dit lyk soms of hulle bo of onder die vloer oppervlak staan…”

Vicky val die Boom Gees in die rede. “Wat het dit met my te doen? Al wat ek wil weet is hoe ek die take so vinnig as moontlik kon uitvoer, sodat ek terug huistoe kan gaan!”

Die Boom Gees is onmiddellik kwaad omdat Vicky so ongeskik was om hom in die rede te val. Hy bulder in ñ stem wat 9 op die richterskaal registreer. Die hele boom skud toe hy haar toesnou “Jy is nie nou tussen jou skool maatjies nie. Hier hou jy jou mond en doen wat ek jou aansê om te doen, of ek verander jou in een van daardie onnosele Geeste wat doelloos, vir ewig op aarde, rondsweef!”

Vicky word, yskoud. Sy besef dat sy hierdie keer byna te ver gegaan het, sy sal haar gedagtes van nou af moet beteuel of anders beland sy in groot moeilikheid.

“Ek is jammer, okay. Ek sal myself, in toom hou.” Antwoord Vicky, en kners op haar tande. Dit gaan flippen moeilik wees, dink sy. Die Boom Gees grinnik toe hy sien dat Vicky hierdie keer effens geskrik het.

“Jy gaan nou ñ Gees word, wat gedagte beheer gaan toepas. Deur middel van manipulasie sal jy nou sekere mense teen hul sin, moet oorreed om iets te doen.”

Vicky sit haar hand voor haar mond en met haar vinger tik-tok sy teen haar voortande en rol haar oë. Sy doen dit altyd, wanneer sy ernstig oor iets nadink. “Hoe gaan ek dit regkry?” Vra Vicky toe die Boom Gees weer asem skep.

Die Boom Gees hervat sy gesprek. “Jy sal riglyne ontvang, soos wat jy vorder.” Vicky dink hy klink nou vir my net soos ñ stoomtrein op volle vaart. “Watch dit! Ek hoor wat jy dink.” Vermaan die Boom Gees haar. Vicky sug…

“Vicky jy moet hierdie manipulerende, afbrekende invloed gebruik, sodat jy die persoon kon stroop van sy of haar vermoë om krities of logies te dink”.

Beteken dit dat ek hulle onafhanklikheid gaan wegneem, en as ek my vingertjies klap, gaan hulle spring om te doen, wat ek hulle, beveel? Wonder Vicky en kry ñ ondeunde glinstering in haar oë.

Hmm … Dit klink interessant dink, Vicky met ñ breë glimlag.

Die Boom Gees grynslag. Hy het beslis ñ uitstekende kandidaat vir hierdie take gekies.

Juis omdat Vicky geen vrees teenoor die Geeste in haar slaap kamer getoon het nie, het hy haar gekies. Die skoenlapper is een van die Boom Gees se gesante wat hy uit stuur om na die regte, vreeslose, kandidate te gaan soek.

Geeste wat die Boom Gees kon oplei, om as helpers sy taak op aarde uit te voer.

“Jy gaan voordeel trek wanneer jy agterkom wat hierdie mense se swakhede is, dan sal jy daarin kan slaag om hulle te manipuleer.” Die Boom Gees se stem dreun voort in ñ bedwelmende, hipnotiese stemtoon…

Vicky, wonder hoe op aarde sy dit sou regkry.

“Onthou Vicky, jy sal dit so subtiel moet doen dat die individu nie bewus gaan wees van die invloed wat jy op hulle gaan uitoefen nie. Jy sal hulle op die ou einde moet laat glo dat dit wat hulle doen, of hulle aksies hulle eie besluite was.”

Vicky, vryf haar hande in afwagting.

Sy weet dat gedagte beheer groter invloed op ñ mens het, as net doodgewone breinspoeling. Vicky wonder waar hierdie skielike kennis wat sy nou oor gedagte beheer en breinspoeling het, vandaan kom.

Word vervolg…

Niemand sou haar glo, indien sy hulle dit sou vertel nie. Veral nie wanneer so iets op dieselfde dag as Halloween gebeur het nie.

©Kopiereg Flamingcrystal

Iets Bonatuurliks Gebeur. Deel 2 uit Geeste Portaal.

Hierdie keer was Vicky helder wakker, en het nie gedroom dat sy haar kamer deur oop maak nie.

Haar TV en musiek speler is aan. Dit was beslis nie aan toe sy netnou kombuis toe gestap het nie.

Haar TV is nou skielik teen die oorkantste muur, aan die regterkant van die vertrek, en die musiek speler staan bo-op haar studeer tafel. Voordat sy nog haar kamerdeur kon toemaak, begin die fliek op die TV te wys.

Die woud lyk onheilspellend.

Vicky skakel dadelik die TV en die musiek speler af. Dit, gaan egter onmiddellik weer aan!

Vicky skakel dit 4 keer af, en al 4 kere gaan dit net weer vanself aan. Vicky gil “Genoeg is genoeg, verdomp” en sy ruk die krag proppe van die TV en die musiek speler by die muur se skakelaar uit.

Selfs sonder dat dit by die kragprop ingeprop is, skakel die TV en die musiek speler Weereens aan. Die liedjie wat vanuit die musiek speler kom, is Dream a little dream of me.

Dit klink vir haar na een van Doris Day se liedjies.

Vicky, besit geen Cd van Doris Day, nie. Haar moeder hou van Doris Day se outydse liedjies, maar selfs sý besit nie hierdie spesifieke Cd nie.

Die ronde kleur-kaart wat teen haar muur hang swaai verwoed al in die rondte. Dit voel asof die kleur-kaart haar wil hipnotiseer. Die kaart spin nou so vinnig in die rondte dat Vicky net 2 kleure kon eien.

Wit en swart: ‘good & evil’ dink Vicky.

Instede van bang te wees, is Vicky nou so woedend, dat haar ore daarvan gloei.

“Is julle vertraag of wat, stop nou dadelik hierdie nonsens, ek is nie bang vir julle of enige van julle soort nie” skreeu Vicky terwyl sy vanaf die TV na die musiek speler kyk.

Skielik voel dit vir haar asof onsigbare hande rondom haar keel sluit en dit haar begin wurg.

Vicky hyg na asem, maar sy weier om bang te raak.

Sy kners hoorbaar op haar tande en bal haar hande in vuiste. Vicky slaan met haar vuisies teen die onsigbare hande rondom haar keel. Asof die Gees Vicky se hardkoppigheid en bravade kon aanvoel, verslap dit meteens die greep, rondom haar keel, en Vicky kon nou weer vrylik asemhaal.

Die oomblik toe die onsigbare hande hul greep om haar nek verslap, hou die musiek op met speel.

Die TV maak nou slegs statiese geluide, daar is niks op die skerm nie.

Vicky slaak ñ sug van verligting, dat ‘hulle’ kon aanvoel dat sy nie bang is nie. Sy dink dankie tog, hulle het nou die aftog geblaas, en gaan my nou in vrede laat.

Altans só het Vicky, gehoop…

Vicky skop haar skool skoene uit dat dit met ñ boog deur haar slaapkamer vlieg. Die een skoen tref die TV. Die ander skoen tref die musiek speler. Flippit! Dit is glad nie waarheen ek gemik het nie, dink Vicky verbaas.

Onmiddelik skakel die TV en die musiek speler weer aan.

Oorverdowende statiese geluide, kom nou uit beide. Daarna begin dieselfde fliek met die eienaardige boom op die TV wys, en dieselfde liedjie Dream a little dream of me op die musiek speler.

Hierdie keer klink die agtergrond musiek vanuit die TV boosaardig, byna soos donderweer.

Die dream woord in die liedjie klink asof dit vashaak op die ‘e’ en klink vir Vicky so: dr-eeeee- en het so ñ hoë frekwensie, dat dit vir Vicky voel asof haar oordromme daarvan wil bars. Vicky druk haar hande, oor haar ore.

Dit help, nie.

Die klank uit die musiek sentrum sny deur murg en been.

Vicky raak lighoofdig van die geluid.

Sy gaan sit op haar bed en vou haar kussing oor haar kop. “Hou op, hou op, hou op!” Gil Vicky, woedend.

Hierdie keer, hou dit nie op nie.

Vicky voel hoe iemand haar optel en haar na die TV toe dra. “Sit my neer, jou vertraagde idioot!” Beveel Vicky, al skoppende en skreeuende. Vicky sien hoe die gesigte in die boom op die TV se skerm vir haar grynslag.

Angelique hoor die geluid van donderweer wat uit Vicky se kamer kom, en die harde hoë frekwensie van die Cd wat vashaak. Daarna hoor sy, haar dogter se gille.

Sy hardloop dadelik na Vicky se slaap kamer.

Angelique ruk die deur van Vicky se kamer oop, en geskok sien sy hoe Vicky al sittende deur die lug vlieg, reguit na die TV toe. Angelique se hare rys. Koue rillings beweeg teen haar ruggraat af. Angelique word yskoud toe sy besef dat hier iets bonatuurliks aan die gebeur is. Angelique is so geskok dat sy nie ñ woord kon uitkry nie.

Sy storm nader aan haar dogter.

Angelique wou Vicky vas gryp, en haar terug vloer toe trek. Voordat sy Vicky kon bereik, sien Angelique hoe een van die 2 gesigte van die boom op die TV se skerm, sy mond wawyd ooprek, en hoe dit vir Vicky insluk.

My kind – Oh my kind! Snik-huil, Angelique, geskok.

Met haar hand voor haar mond geslaan, en met grootgerekte oë staar Angelique na die TV se skerm. Daar wys nou, geen fliek nie. Die skerm is pikswart.

Geen musiek, speel nie. Daar heers ñ onnatuurlike stilte, in die vertrek. Angelique kon haar oë, nie glo nie. Dit is onmoontlik. Só iets kon nie gebeur, het nie.

Niemand sou haar glo, indien sy hulle dit sou vertel nie. Veral nie wanneer so iets op dieselfde dag as Halloween gebeur het nie…

Meteens sien Angelique ñ reuse groen skoenlapper, by die oop slaap kamer venster invlieg. Dit klink asof die skoenlapper sy vlerke al koggelende klap, terwyl dit na die TV vlieg. Die skoenlapper gaan sit bo-op die TV.

Angelique sien dat die skoenlapper swart vlekke op sy vlerke het. Sy het nog nooit vantevore hierdie soort skoenlapper gesien nie. Dit lyk asof die skoenlapper meewarig vir haar glimlag.

Angelique gluur die skoenlapper aan. Die skoenlapper rol sy oë. Daarna gee dit so ñ selfvoldane grinnik.

Angelique is oombliklik woedend. Hoe kon hierdie ding vir my lag, terwyl ek in so ñ toestand oor my dogter se verdwyning is dink sy.

Angelique gryp die wiskunde handboek van Vicky wat op die studeer tafel lê, en stap vasberade daarmee na die TV toe.

Angelique wil die skoenlapper vermorsel.

Toe sy die handboek oplig om die skoenlapper daarmee te slaan, vlieg die skoenlapper buite haar bereik. Angelique hoor skielik ñ stem wat iets fluister. Sy, kyk rondom haar maar sien, niemand. Angelique kyk terug na waar sy die skoenlapper vantevore gesien het, maar dit is nou skoonveld.

Angelique gaan sit op Vicky se bed. Sy neem Vicky se gunsteling teddiebeer, wat bo-op die kussing lê en hou dit styf teen haar vas. Angelique, voel aan dat haar dogter lewe.

Ek gaan haar soek, en ek sal haar terugbring, al is dit die laaste ding, wat ek op hierdie aarde, doen. Besluit sy, daar en dan.

Die boom en die skoenlapper is vasgeprent in haar geheue. Angelique stap vasberade by Vicky se kamer uit, en gaan haal haar selfoon wat op die kombuis se tafel lê.

Sy gaan dadelik in op Google en gaan soek na ñ soortgelyke skoenlapper, as die een wat daar in Vicky se kamer was, en na daardie eienaardige boom, wat sy op die TV se skerm gesien het.

Ure later, is Angelique byna raadop, half moedeloos, en erg, gefrustreerd. Haar Google soektog, het tot dusver geen resultate opgelewer nie.
Word Vervolg – Gedeelte 3

Flamingcrystal Author

Die Engel het ñ Sekelstert

Die Engel het ‘n Sekelstert (Afrikaans Edition) (Kindle Edition) Max Minnaar

Product Description Amazon:
Alte hou nie van aantreklike mans nie. Alte hou nie van mans nie. Punt.

Behalwe van haar broer, Ettienne, wat ‘n guns van haar afsmeek en haar sodoende onbedoeld midde-in die speelarena van Retief Ruyters laat beland. Hy is pure man. En hy is aantreklik. Baie aantreklik…

Alte se voorkoms, maar veral haar houding, vestig sy aandag baie pertinent op haar.

Hy laat hom nie vermy of ignoreer nie.

En hy laat haar uit die staanspoor onomwonde verstaan presies wat die aard van sy belangstelling in haar is – ten spyte van sy betrokkenheid by beeldskone Christine Verwey, ‘n sosiale vlinder wat venynig-besitlik is oor hom.

Van wie Alte nog minder hou.

Daar is egter heelwat onheilige bestanddele wat prut in die duiwel se roerpot: Nywerheidspioenasie, dwelm- en mensehandel … Soveel so dat ook Vincent genope voel om weer ‘n draai te maak.

En die poppe begin dans wanneer Alte ontvoer word.

Tussendeur dit alles vonk hartstog. Of is dit liefde?

Flamingcrystal Author

Ellie finds herself confronting an evil older and more powerful than she’d ever expected, rooted in the house’s long and sordid history of luxury, sin, and murder.

Ellie Jordan Ghost Trapper by
JL Bryan

Product Description on Amazon
Ellie Jordan’s job is to catch and remove unwanted ghosts. Part detective, part paranormal exterminator, Ellie operates out of Savannah, Georgia, the most haunted city in the United States.

When a family contacts her to deal with a disturbing presence in the old mansion they’ve recently purchased, Ellie first believes it to be a typical, by-the-book specter, a residual haunting by a restless spirit. Instead, she finds herself confronting an evil older and more powerful than she’d ever expected, rooted in the house’s long and sordid history of luxury, sin, and murder. The dangerous entity seems particularly interested in her clients’ ten-year-old daughter.

Soon her own life is in danger, and Ellie must find a way to exorcise the darkness of the house before it can kill her, her clients, or their frightened young child.

“A brilliantly addictive, insomnia-inducing story following Ellie Jordan, a ghost tracker, who works a hazardous job investigating hauntings. Read before bedtime at your own risk!” -Alexia Purdy, bestselling author of the Dark Faerie Tale and Reign of Blood series

“Ellie Jordan, Ghost Trapper is both really fun and really creepy. It’s Ghostbusters meets The Dresden Files.” -Daniel Arenson, bestselling author of the Song of Dragons and Moth series

About the Author
J. L. Bryan studied English literature at the University of Georgia and at Oxford, with a focus on the English Renaissance and the Romantic period. He also studied screenwriting at UCLA. He enjoys remixing elements of paranormal, supernatural, fantasy, horror, and science fiction into new kinds of stories.

Flamingcrystal Author

He has a little black book full of names – names of girls he uses, to avoid his own feelings.

Say My Name by Adri Sinclair

Say My Name is awesome. Billy is such a remarkable like-able character, although her motto is “don’t touch me or you will be sorry.” You will find out why she hates being touched. Bastian is the typical gorgeous bad-ass male, and he was instantly drawn to Billy. I felt every emotion of the characters, their anger, their hurt and loved it when Billy stood her ground against those overgrown bullies. I love how Adri described the dancing and the collecting of the tears at Demon Tears Inn, and the imaginative use of those tears. What a unique twist! I would have never guessed who Billy truly was… I’ve read the first 4 books in the Second Breath Chronicles and would recommend this series to all readers who love paranormal romance. I’ve also downloaded the 5th book in The Second Breath Chronicles ‘Fight or Flight’ and I am looking forward to reading it.

Product Description on Amazon:
Say my name delves into the world of Demolition – but only a little, as it is the world of Hades that really interferes with Billy Carter’s life.

What is SHE hiding, and how will that affect her brothers, her boss’ brother Bastian and his sister Dana?

How do you deal with being an Contact Empath, in a brutal world?

She is a petite girl – looking like Betty Boob – if all things are to be believed. Silent, mostly withdrawn, and looking for a new job as a Demolition Expert.

She does not like to be touched, for a very good reason. She fights in a pub called “Devil’s Tears Inn” for more than just her life.
Her name? Billy Carter,

He is her boss’ brother. A big, bulk of a man who loves blowing things up.

He has a little black book full of names – names of girls he use, to avoid his own feelings. He is a serious man who likes to carry his own weight.
His name? Bastian Goldwen.
Straight foward right? Maybe not.

Bastian and Billy belong together, that much is clear – but what about Asmodai? The Demon Prince of Lust who’s hankered after Billy from the day she was born? What is the story behind the three-headed dog – Cerberus – and his Mother?

This is a novella, tied in to the Second Breath Series, but a stand-alone read. It has all the elements of Paranormal, Fantasy Romance – without the heat but perhaps a few roller-coaster rides.

Expect the unexpected with this one – and treasure the expected, because the journey is nothing short of a fairytale.
Sex: No.
Expletives: Indicated with squiggles and suggested.
Humour: Plenty.
Drama: Some.
Fantasy: Absolutely.
Book 4 in the Second Breath Chronicles, though it is a stand alone paranormal romance with mythological aspects.

Flamingcrystal Author

Iemand haat haar só erg, iemand wat nie sal skroom om enige iets te doen, om te verhoed dat sy ooit weer saam met die man sou wees wat haar hele hart en haar liggaam besit!

Dejavu & Destiny: Boek 1 en Boek 2: Romantiese Weergawe (Afrikaans Edition)
By Flamingcrystal

Hierdie boek gaan binnekort gratis beskikbaar wees!!!

Romantiese weergawe, bevat nie dieselfde warm erotika van die vorige uitgawe nie. Geskik vir lesers wat daarvan hou om meer aan die verbeelding oor te laat…en minder te bloos!

Wat presies het daardie dag dag gebeur? Wat het so ñ merkwaardige invloed op Miysis gehad, dat hy net eenvoudig nie kon aanbeweeg nie? Daar word n skokkende geheim onthul…

Iemand haat haar só erg, iemand wat nie sal skroom om enige iets te doen, om te verhoed dat sy ooit weer saam met die man sou wees wat haar hele hart en haar liggaam besit!
Dejavu en Destiny is ñ fantasie novel wat towerkuns, astrale teleportering, reïnkarnasie en minder skakerings van blosende pienk bevat.

In Dejavu maak ons kennis met Angela.

Angela ontdek haar gawe van telekinesis en astrale teleportering. In ñ astrale reis, praat Angela in ñ vreemde dialek met David. Hulle vind uit dat sy in haar vorige lewe Ishtar van Egipte was.

Uit nuuskierigheid doen Angela en David ñ astrale reis daarheen, en loop hulle vas in Miysis, Angela se sielsgenoot en minnaar, uit haar vorige lewe.

Anubis verskyn op die toneel. Hy herken die sleutel wat die deur van die onderwêreld kon oopsluit, aan die ketting rondom Angela se nek.

In Destiny maak ons kennis met Beryl.

Beryl was in haar vorige lewe Angela asook Ishtar van Egipte.

Beryl se moeder, Anchen het kort voor Beryl se geboorte ñ eienaardige sleutel in ñ ou Antieke winkeltjie, ontdek… Die kop van hierdie sleutel was egter leeg en dit was duidelik dat daar voorheen iets binne die kop van die sleutel was.

Beryl word gebore met ñ magisterium-steen vasgeklem in haar handjie. Tot Anchen en Patrikios se verbasing, pas die magisterium-steen perfek binne die sleutel.

Hierdie sleutel wat die onderwêreld kon oopsluit, het voorheen aan ñ ketting rondom Angela se nek gehang…

Hy het Beryl onder die wanindruk gebring dat hy lief is vir haar, maar hy is nie. Hy weet nie wat die woord liefde beteken nie.

Hy is ñ wrede, hartelose en manipulerende parasiet.

Beryl is pragtig, innerlik en uiterlik, Sy is goedhartig en slim. Hy is nie… Hoekom haat hy haar so? Al wat sy wou hê was liefde…

Omtrent die Skrywer:
Flamingcrystal (Marlaine Lloyd) woon tans in Pongola, in Kwazulu Natal Suid-Africa. Sy het ñ BA Graad in Kleinhandel Bemarking. Flamingcrystal het 2 pragtige dogters, die lig in haar lewe. Sy geniet dit sedert haar skool dae om stories te skryf. Flamingcrystal skryf fantasie, (soms met skakerings van bloos) maar verkies paranormale en riller stories sonder erotika. Sy is ñ ASMSG‬ lid. Sy is Afrikaans sprekend hoewel sy vlot Engels kan praat. Flamingcrystal het grootgeword op ñ plaas in die Vrystaat, waar haar ouers nog steeds woon.

Flamingcrystal Author

One man – 1000 wives – a sensual orgy?!! This concept, on the other hand, must surely be in conflict with Solomon’s wisdom…

REAP THE DUST (Kindle Edition)
Annico van Vuuren

Product Description Amazon:

Annico van Vuuren presenting REAP THE DUST, her heart stirring story about King Solomon of the Bible – surely a must for every book-lover’s bookshelf?

One man – 1000 wives – a sensual orgy?!! This concept, on the other hand, must surely be in conflict with Solomon’s wisdom – the wisest man ever.

Also that anti-violence – 3000 years ago – was the mark of his 40 year reign; that he could succeed in turning a nomadic, pastoral people and glorifying them into a world empire.

Most of all: the positive message to mankind, generated by his example: As king and man he attained fame; success; riches – wisdom; but in his book it was but vanity.

What carried him forward was to covet – moment by harrowing moment – more than a materialistic advantage: reaching from dust to stars.

KING SOLOMON’s story came alive in the mind of ANNICO VAN VUUREN at the tender age of four; evolving with the passing years.

Annico believes this story to be the absolute truth.

It still proved an almost impossible task to climb into the mind of a man of such stature.

She practiced on other stories… Reaching the age of 70 she had to realize time was running out.
You are invited to accompany Annico on her journey into the Solomon’s soul. You will listen to many voices out of his time and in the epilogue to the voice of Annico as well.

Flamingcrystal Author

Patty has to come to grips with her own physical handicap and face an ancient evil all alone if she’s going to survive.

Will O’ the Wisp
(Kindle Edition) C. S. Boyack

Product Description Amazon:

There is something evil up Bergamot Holler, and it’s been targeting the Hall family for generations.

Patty Hall is fifteen years old. She loves star-gazing, science fiction, and all things related to space exploration.

This leaves her perfectly prepared for the wrong problem.

Patty is afraid her mother will send her to a care facility if she tells her what she’s seen. If she doesn’t figure things out soon, she’s going to join her father in the Hall family cemetery plot.

Patty has to come to grips with her own physical handicap, survive the wilderness, and face an ancient evil all alone if she’s going to survive.

Will O’ the Wisp is suitable for young adults. It involves strong elements of suspense, and is set in the mid 1970s.

Flamingcrystal Author

All 6 of my Kindle e-books are currently unavailable. After formatting TLC it will be available again. #FREE!

Flamingcrystal Softly Whisper added 6 new photos to the album: My Kindle Books.

All 6 of my Kindle e-books are currently unavailable. After formatting TLC (easier chapter navigation) it will be available again. #FREE!

Flamingcrystal Author

*Pssst come closer, I want to whisper in your ear* I have small feet because nothing grows in the shade…

Dearest family/friends, ALL six of my eBooks kindle versions are currently unavailable.

Dejavu & Destiny Romantiese Weergawe, Fatal Fantasy, Dejavu & Destiny Warm Weergawe, Geeste Portaal, Die Minnaar and Destiny are send away to ‘hospital’ to get some plastic surgery.

No… no…no! Not inflatable spines or silicone pages/boobs to get the wrinkles out, they only need a little bit of formatting TLC.

Heck no! My boobs and wrinkles are just fine thanks for asking…
I don’t need those inflatable thingies.

Let’s just say mine is like this; I have small feet because nothing grows in the shade.

I don’t have wrinkles yet… the plus side of NOT having dried raisins but grapefruits instead.

*Sigh flippen sigh* if any one needs some, let me know to make you the beneficiary in my will, to inherit the grapefruits.

*Pssst come closer, I want to whisper in your ear*

After the formatting TLC of the 6 kindle eBooks it will be available again, totally FREE!

I wrote my books because I love writing, and I wrote them for the pure reading enjoyment of my family and friends & friends of friends…

Dejavu, Destiny, Fatal Fantasy, Geeste Portaal as well as Dejavu & Destiny: Warm Weergawe and Dejavu & Destiny: Romantiese Weergawe’s first edition paperbacks are not available. I’ve gifted them to my family.

Flamingcrystal Author

The noise they hear is just the dragon waking up and blowing warm air to heat the house.

Meet Eric B. Thomasma an author who is fond of writing stories for children as well as stories for Young Adults & grownups.

Sam And The Dragon #kidlit (Kindle Edition) by Eric B. Thomasma

Product Description on Amazon:
Sam told his mother, “It really doesn’t get cold. That’s just a myth, like dragons and unicorns.” But he soon learns the truth about winter… and dragons.

Sam and the Dragon – You’ll never see your furnace the same way again.

Sam and the Dragon was selected for the KART Foundation’s 2011 Kids Book List.

From the Author:
This is my first children’s story.  The inspiration for it came from an incident that happened many years ago when our boys were little. 

We lived in a mobile home and every time the furnace turned on it made a lot of noise. 

Each time the boys would immediately stop what they were doing and ask “what’s that?” and at some point, my wife walked them down to the cabinet that hid the furnace and told them that a dragon lives in there and the noise they hear is just the dragon waking up and blowing warm air to heat the house.

From that time on, whenever the furnace turned on, the boys would say “the dragon’s awake” and continue playing.  I wrote the story a few years later. (On my Commodore64.  It was that long ago.)

After publishing my first novel, SEAMS16: A New Home, and while I was working on my second, SEAMS16: Arrival, I thought of that old story and asked my brother, Lanin, if he would be interested in illustrating it. 

He agreed, so I dug the story out and looked it over.  I’ve learned a lot about writing since then, so I gave the story an overhaul before passing it on to Lanin.

I publicly asked for help in naming the story and my niece’s daughters (age 3 & 5) suggested “Sam and the Dragon”.
Works for me.

About the Author:
Born and raised in West Mitten, USA (Grand Rapids, MI), Eric still lives in the area in a house he built, (literally), with the help of his wife, Therese, and two sons, Eric Jr. and Nicholas, (and various other friends and relatives).

The boys are grown and gone, although they both live in the area. Eric and Therese have managed to get past the empty nest syndrome and currently only share their home with their two dogs, Sable and Tucker, and a cat, Liza.

Other books by the author:
SEAMS16: A New Home

SEAMS16: Friends and Foes

Product Description on Amazon:
The new bay supervisor comes with an exemplary record, but he can’t get along with anyone. An abduction where the victims are left unbound and unguarded, no perpetrators claim responsibility, and no demands are made. The discovery of a bomb with the only evidence incriminating the most unlikely of perpetrators. These confusing events and more blur the line between good and bad…right and wrong…friend and foe…
Join Charlie and Susan in their search for answers in SEAMS16: Friends and Foes

And So It Begins… (SEAMS16 Book 3)

SEAMS16: Arrival

Billy’s Family

Yeti In The Freezer

The Wizards of the Body Shop

Flamingcrystal Author

Engel van die Baai… Onverwagse Romanse… My Droomheld.

Rika du Plessis Omnibus 21 (Afrikaans Edition) (Kindle Edition)

Product Description on Amazon:
LET WEL hierdie drie verhale wat altesaam sowat 60,000 woorde beslaan, word ook as enkeltitels hier by Amazon aangebied. Dit gaan julle net goedkoper kos om die omnibus met al drie in te koop.

Engel van die baai::: Toe die vyfde finalis van ‘n skoonheidskompetisie verdwyn voor hulle die wenner kon kies, is almal verslae. Haar vriend, Walter wou haar daardie aand gevra het om sy vrou te word. Tydens Sarita se ontvoering word sy so wreed behandel dat haar gesig erg beskadig word, en sy neem haar voor indien sy hierdie nagmerrie oorleef, sy nie gaan toelaat dat Walter naby haar kom nie. Hy mag haar nie so sien nie …

Onverwagte Romanse::: Hierdie kort boek bevat ongeveer 23,000 woorde. Belinda vlug voor twee moordenaars uit, steel in nood haar eksverloofde se boot om mee te vlug. Sy beland op sy ouers se landgoed in hulle berghuis om daar te skuil. Maar toe kom sy by die waterval agter die huis af op ‘n man wat naak onder die waterval staan en sing terwyl hy hom was …

My droomheld::: Na een dans met ‘n onbekende dokter, oorheers hy Marlena se nagdrome en dagdrome. Tot die dag toe hy meteens weer in lewende lywe voor haar staan, maar dit word gekompliseerd toe sy ewebeeld net na hom opdaag …

Flamingcrystal Author

Sink your claws into 832 page eBook Omnibus Collector’s Edition of the Best Selling Chronicles of Dragon series. By author Craig Halloran @CraigHalloran

The Chronicles of Dragon Collection (Series 1 Omnibus, Books 1-10) (Kindle Edition)
By Craig Halloran

Product Description
Sink your claws into 832 page eBook Omnibus Collector’s Edition of the Best Selling Chronicles of Dragon series. All 10 books in the series are included in this one of a kind ultra-dragon adventure. This book is huge! Enjoy the gallery of incredible illustrations of all 10 covers plus the major characters. This book is a must read and must have for all dragon lovers worldwide!


Welcome to the world of NALZAMBOR …

Nath is a special warrior. He is a man destined to be a dragon. In order to become a dragon, he must save the dragons.

For countless years Nath has been on a quest to become a dragon, but his meddling with the other races tends to get in the way. The way of men is not the way of Nath Dragon his father has warned him. Yet, Nath, unable to control his fascination of the world men, elves, dwarves and even the despised orcs, tends to get caught up in their affairs. To earn his scales, there is a high road he must follow.

With his close friend and ally, Brenwar the Dwarf, Nath, armed with a magic sword he calls Fang, travels to the Mountain of Doom, the Free City of Narnum and to Orcen Hold where nothing but trouble awaits.

Will Nath Dragon, hero of the realm and protector of dragon kind choose the right path or wind up on a dark one?

This collector’s edition includes the following 10 books: The Hero, The Sword and the Dragons, Dragon Bones and Tombstones, Terror at the Temple, Clutch of the Cleric, Hunt for the Hero, Siege at the Settlements, Strife in the Sky, Fight and the Fury, War in the Winds and Finale.

Flamingcrystal Author

Boef met vlerkies. Sy sit soos ‘n padda in ‘n slang se oogkring.

Annico van Vuuren het die volgende op haar Facebook blad geplaas, en dit gaan jou tone van pure lekkerte laat omkrul.

“Liewe Lesers, behalwe vir wiewassits, kleuter, jeug, toekoms fiksie ens, skryf ek graag diep roerende romanses waarin my karakters in hoogspannende situasies beland en moet kophou.”

“Een van dié lekkerlees hy-en-sy-moet-mekaar-kry heet BOEF MET VLERKIES. Dis ook een van die verhale in OMNIBUS 1.”


Boef met vlerkies

‘n Paar paragrawe uit waar HY en SY mekaar in die verhaal vir die eerste keer ontmoet:

Waar hy pas sy eerste potjie met Piet Smit geloop het, is hy nog woedend. Hy ruk geskok tot stilstand toe hy die meisie tussen sy handlangers sien staan.

Hy sien alles tegelyk:
Die skrape en bloed; die afgeskeurde bloes – hoe sy dit beskermend teen haar vasdruk; die skokgesperde oë.

Skok, wat op hóm oordra: Wat van sy hart af sprei, in sy bene af – óp na sy kop toe. Skok wat ‘n verlammende wete dra: Sy gaan alles kom verongeluk. Sy groot slag – lank beplan, fyn uitgewerk – voordat hy sy gisters finaal wegpak en nuut begin. ‘n Tipiese dom vroumens – wat maak sy hier! Hy kan stik.

Hoe donker en kil lyk hy nie, dink sy verlore, en dis of ‘n nuwe afgrond voor haar oopmaak. Hy is anders, weet sy. Anders as die ander. Net gewone boewe – hulle.

Nie hý nie. Só ‘n persoon het sy nog nooit gesien, of van gehoor of gelees nie. Nie geweet hy kan bestaan nie.

Die ou man begin dadelik senuweeagtig verduidelik sonder dat hý iets hoef te vra. Toe sý antwoord kom, moet sy wonder: kan ‘n mensestem dan die lug regtig kerf? “En nou staan julle hier en tyd mors!“

Swart valkoë swiep tot op Buffel, wat kop onderstebo staan en stof skop: “Jóú oplossing, Don, om haar aan te rand?”

Dan sweepklap hy na die ouer man terug: “En wat van die perd, Henk? Wat van soekgeselskappe? Dink jy nie hulle is al bekommerd oor haar daar by die vakansieoord nie?”

Haar oog word na die bakkie getrek waar ‘n tweede persoon mank besig is om uit te klim. ‘n Gryskopman, nog ouer as Henk, wat langs koue Swartoog kom staan.

Sy word half uit haar waas gelig by die besef dat hy haar met amperse jammerte bekyk. Hy sê nou iets onderlangs aan Swartoog, wat eers ‘n afwerende gebaar maak, maar dan tog vir Gryskop knik.

“Bly jy dan hier – kyk na dié spul,” en vol wrewelrige frustrasie: “Hoe jou danige Chief sulke mense kan verskaf en dan resultate wil verwag, gaan my verstand te bowe! Jy, en jy,” en hy wys na twee van die spul, “kry my sender daar in die bakkie – ek kan nie bekostig dat die selfoon weer dalk nie werk nie. Saal die perd op en maak gou. Bring ‘n hemp en ‘n broek uit my tas. ‘n Tou. ’n Tang. En die sleutels van daardie hek oord toe.”

Die spul mans begin wegglip. Net Swartoog-Staalman, Gryskop en sy bly staan.

Die swart kykers, vir die eerste keer, voel dit haar, waarlik op háár gefokus, hou haar op die een plek vas soos boeie en kettings dit nie sou kon doen nie. Hoekom is hy dan so booskwaad? fladder haar hart verskrik. – Dit kan tog nie wees net omdat sy per toeval hier is waar sy nie moet wees nie?

Hy is briesend. Vir háár – persoonlik. Half verontwaardig skud sy die skok ‘n bietjie van haar af.

Haar blik op hom is nou ondersoekend. Hy is meer as kwaad – dis asof hy… Hoe kan hy so… intens vernietigend teenoor iemand voel wat hy glad nie ken nie?

Toe hy opeens wegkyk en onderlangs met Gryskop begin praat, is dit asof ‘n groot hand wat haar brein in ‘n knelgreep vasgehad het, skielik los.

Dit voel of sy gaan val. Sy staan wiegend – oë toegeknyp en baklei teen die donkerte wat haar wil insluk.

Daar, agter haar geslote ooglede flits daar nou vae beelde verby. ‘n Fliek wat sy een of ander tyd lank terug gesien het. Die helderste beeld, die van ‘n donker figuur op ‘n motorfiets.

Sy kan die naam van die fliek, of selfs veel van die storie, nie onthou nie. Net die aakligheid van ‘n vreesaanjaend ongeluk en ‘n brein wat in ‘n ysterliggaam oorgeplant word.

Net in dié fliek – anders as die aanslag wat gewoonlik in die soort van tema gebruik word – het die nie-held sy emosies – sy hart – ook verloor. Net ‘n koue, berekenende logika en ‘n onwrikbare doel het oorgebly.

En al weet sy dat Gryskop besig is om vir haar te pleit, word die bewerasie wat haar oorgeneem het, steeds groter. Dit voel of dit uit haar murg ruk. Seker maar net vertraagde skok…?

Op daardie oomblik steek daar ‘n effense windjie op en Gryskop se stem word tot by haar gedra: “Onthou die Chief gaan nie moord vat nie. Jy sal nie lose nie. Die ander ôk nie. Ek scheme: be off is die regte ding vir ons. Los – leave. Dis nou sad, maar kyk net die poor girltjie.”

Dié keer gee Swartoog Staalman nie bes nie: “Ek los nie wat ek begin het nie. Ek het jou Chief gewaarsku. Dis júlle spul wat hierdie situasie geskep het.”

Die feit dat hy nie soos die ander praat nie, maar ‘n amperse onnatuurlik korrekte Afrikaans gebruik, maak hom net nóg meer onmenslik.

Die wind waai hulle stemme weg, en weer terug. Staalman wat sê: “Ek sal wel iets uitwerk – laat my dink, Benno. Eerstens moet ek gaan keer dat niemand hier aangesit kom nie. En ek vat haar saam.”

Gryskop-Benno hou sy hand pleitend op: “Drich, please…”

Intussen het een van die mans met ‘n perd teruggekom. Die tweede kom met ‘n tassie en ‘n plastiekhouer. Swartoog-Drich ignoreer Gryskop-Benno en swaai hom in een gemaklike beweging tot in die saal.

Die tas en houer word aan die saalboom vasgemaak. En voordat sy haar kom kry, pluk hy haar met sy staalarm op en tot voor hom in die saal.

Sy weet sy behoort haar teë te sit – minstens te probeer – teen die harde bors agter haar rug, maar die stem in haar hare wat haar “Sit stil en bly stil,” toevoeg, verlam haar magteloos.

Sy sit soos ‘n padda in ‘n slang se oogkring.

Flamingcrystal Author

Join Joe as he discovers his life isn’t as empty and useless as he thought it had become.

The Man Who Was A Santa Claus by Walter Daniels

Review August 11th, 2015:
No one is too useless to give/receive love…

A phone call changed his life. Joe is wheelchair bound after being hit by a car. He loves children and wants them to believe that Santa and the Christmas spirit is for real. Joe learns that he does not need to be perfect, that even as a disabled person he could make a huge difference in the life of a child who needs love. He realizes that no one is too useless to give/receive love…

Product Description on Amazon:

Join Joe as he discovers his life isn’t as empty and useless as he thought it had become.

When Charlie, the little girl with the big heart teams up with him, they discover the true magic of Christmas.

A peek inside:
Part of what I got, when I became a ‘Nicholas,’ is the ability to be with certain people. What they know about a child, we know. In turn, their ability to relate to children is magnified, so they can help them.

We can’t reach every child who needs it, because there are not nearly enough of us who can do the work. We can’t tell you how you’ll know, but you will know when a certain child needs extra ‘attention.’

When you touch them, to let them on your lap or say hello, they’ll feel the unconditional love that is the Spirit of Christmas.”

From the Author:
I wrote this book for the son of a friend I met in 2009.

In December of 2011, someone living in my apartment building, lamented that her grandchild “didn’t believe in Santa Claus.” The excuse was, “They’re all over the place. They can’t all be real.”

I thought of my friend’s son. He was two that year. I wanted him to continue to believe in Santa, but I didn’t know how to do that.

That night, Charlie came to visit me, just before I went to sleep. She started telling me the story of Joe, and why she, and later her children, “believe in Santa Claus.” 

Over the next few months, she told me the story, with a little help from Joe. I hope that by the time you finish the book, you will “believe,” as well.

If you really love working with children, maybe you’ll have the chance to be a Santa Claus, like Joe did.

5 Star Review: March 19, 2015 by Pat Patterson:
Title: This REALLY needs to be a Hallmark Christmas movie!

If you are not going to use the link, but want to read the book, search for it with the title, not the author name. Reason: it’s listed as being by Wzlter Daniels. Now, frankly, I think Wzlter is a very nice name, and when it comes to brand differentiation, you can’t go wrong with a Z. But, YMMV.

Joe loves kids. He always has. He has none of his own, but he has a reputation of being the go-to guy for stories among his nieces and nephews.

He’s a nice guy, but circumstances haven’t been nice to him. Cars like to hit him, and he is now mostly confined to a wheelchair. So, when he gets a phone call asking him if he’d like to have some seasonal employment, his initial reaction is to say ‘Bye-Bye!’ and hang up the phone.

He doesn’t, of course, and you know who was on the phone, because the title of the book, right?

It was Santa, the REAL Santa, the current Santa, and he’s looking for someone to help spread Christmas around to children who need it.

What do they need at Christmas? Same thing you and I do. What they need is to be loved; to be reassured that love is real, and that love conquers all. It does, you know; and it might just take a crippled Santa to really be able to understand that.

Sure, there are perfect bicycles in the story, and reindeer blowing snot on rude children (always a favorite) but no amount of toys, either kid toys or grown-up toys, will ever be able to work the magic in the life of a child, or an adult, that love works.

Here’s a truth: there doesn’t have to be an actual Saint Nicholas coming down the chimney for the love part to work out. And the people who give and receive love don’t have to be in perfect physical health for it to mean something.

So, Joe gets to distribute some special Santa goodness. It’s not because he was sprinkled with fairy dust (although there is magic involved); it’s because of who he was, before he ever answered the phone.

About the Author:
I’ve been a construction laborer, truck driver, Heavy Equipment Operator, Night Watchman, Landscape worker/driver/equipment operator, EMT-A Trainee, Computer tutor/operator/consultant/custom programmer, and Network Operations Manager.

My Computer career ended when I was hit by a car, while crossing the street. (I did “look both ways.”) Using the insurance money from that, I started FBN Graphics, and FBN Group (parent company).
I had to close FBN Graphics, in May 2001, after another serious car accident, left me unable to run it.

That accident left me with Degenerative Disk Disease, and herniated disks, from T-11 to L- 5. That led to my being in a wheelchair since 2008.

Throughout all of this, my life long interests in writing, Science Fiction/Fantasy, and Survivalism have remained unabated.

Where I can be found:
Twitter: FBNGroup
Facebook: Walter Daniels
LinkedIn: Walter Daniels

Flamingcrystal Author

Dancing With Fire : Devika Fernando

Devika Fernando shared this post on Facebook today: “Guess what I just typed? THE END! I finished writing my paranormal romance novel ‘Dancing With Fire’, sequel to ‘Playing With Fire’. As of now, the total word count is 111,927. Now how do I find the patience to let it rest a bit before I tackle revising and editing?!”

“Here’s a special SneakPeekSunday‬ snippet from Dancing With fire (not from the final chapter, don’t even ask me! *lol*)”

“As a short explanation: Hekla is a volcano in iceland, having its own personality and thought voice in the book. In real life, people call it the ‘gateway to hell’, as my research has shown. Welcome fodder for my story…”

Beneath their feet, tectonic shifts were slip-sliding over and against each other, the ground preparing for change.

“I am not the devil,” the Hekla spoke. “I am not the real gateway to hell either. But I know a lot about the devil and hell. He lives in me, you know? A little of him, a little of his fire, is what makes me who I am.”

Felicia was still processing this with her mouth hanging open and the wheels in her mind whirring when the voice continued with hidden glee.

“He lives in you too. And in your fiery companion. Maybe he’s waiting for you? And if he is, will you keep him waiting?”

This time, both Felicia and Kyle had been turned into statues of stunned silence.

Lightning struck, feeling so close that its electric current made the hairs on their bodies stand up. A clap of thunder followed, echoed by a lower, more menacing rumbling from underground.

Felicia cringed, then hated herself for being such a wimp. And she was almost angry at the Hekla for riling her up like this. Telling her not to ask and ponder so much but offering questions and food for thought himself. Was he playing mind games with her? Surely he was too powerful to really care? Why would he want to figure her out?

“Because you are unique, little lady of fire. In all my centuries, I have met many like you, but nobody exactly like you.”

Flamingcrystal Author

Unexpected twists and a fate they are fighting to avoid…

Empire Ascensions (Exile Empire Book 2) (Kindle Edition)
Joshua Done

This science-fiction adventure is filled with solid characters that are thrown into difficult situations.
It has unexpected twists and a fate they are fighting to avoid…
An Interesting book, with enough action to keep the reader intrigued with what was going to happen next.
The author succeed to keep the scenes/action/story focused which makes the story easy to follow.

Product Description on Amazon:
After the fall of Earth, the surviving humans colonized other worlds and formed the Hyperion Empire. At the Empire’s center: the planet Lintalla. The rest is comprised of human clans and alien civilizations.

Although the Empire has enjoyed peace for many years, the threat of war with the bear-like Tarin ‘Tal and other enemy tribes is never far away.

During a routine diplomatic visit, a courtship between the Empire and potential new members, something seems amiss.

In the midst of all the state dinners, planetary tours, and exhibition tournaments, James Ursidae—son of the legendary warrior and founder of the Emperor’s elite guard known as the Hammer—senses that tensions between some of the Imperial factions are approaching a boiling point.

An assassination attempt on James and his companions, including the Emperor’s daughter, confirms his worst fears.

As the Empire hovers on the brink of war, James assumes his birthright and ascends to the post his father once occupied, leading the Hammer Warriors into battle, but he is only beginning to discover the depth of the conspiracy and the destruction it will wreak, threatening to destroy his mother, his friends, the woman he loves, and the very foundations of the Empire.

About the Author:
Joshua Done was born in Long Beach California and grew up in the Snoqualmie Valley of Washington State. He finished his Bachelor of Arts in Political Economy at Hillsdale College in Hillsdale Michigan. During his last year of College, Joshua developed the world of the Hyperion Empire and wrote his first novel, the Exile Empire. When not working, studying, or writing Joshua is known to hang around local coffee shops and is a self-proclaimed connoisseur of caffeine and teas of all varieties.

Flamingcrystal Author

She’s a magician, a scholar, and is currently the heir to the throne…but she wants no part of it.

Columba and the Cat (The Columba Chronicles Book 1) (Kindle Edition) by
Michael B. Caffrey, Barb Caffrey

Product Description on Amazon:
Meet Princess Columba of Illinowa. She’s a magician, a scholar, and is currently the heir to the throne…but she wants no part of it. Because she’s royalty, she’s had trouble meeting men, and she’s tired of dealing with people in search of a title rather than herself.

Into her life comes a mysterious cat. She rescues the cat, takes him into the palace, and starts having unusual dreams — dreams of a man who understands her, cares about her, and loves her. Not her title.
Unbeknownst to Columba, the cat is a shapeshifter. He, too, is royal, albeit from far away. And he’s the man of her dreams…that is, when he’s not in the form of a cat.

Then the dream-man shows up, and the cat disappears.

Columba must decide whether or not to believe in her dreams — and hope that somehow, the magical romance she’s found is here to stay.

Flamingcrystal Author

Two royal sisters struggle to find fulfillment – one craving ultimate political power, the other desiring only to follow her heart…

Nefertiti: A Novel (Kindle Edition) by Michelle Moran

Product Description on Amazon:
Nefertiti and her younger sister, Mutnodjmet, have been raised in a powerful family that has provided wives to the rulers of Egypt for centuries.

Ambitious, charismatic, and beautiful, Nefertiti is destined to marry Amunhotep, an unstable young pharaoh.

It is hoped by all that her strong personality will temper the young Amunhotep’s heretical desire to forsake Egypt’s ancient gods, overthrow the priests of Amun, and introduce a new sun god for all to worship.

From the moment of her arrival in Thebes, Nefertiti is beloved by the people. Her charisma is matched only by her husband’s perceived generosity: Amunhotep showers his subjects with lofty promises.

The love of the commoners will not be enough, however, if the royal couple is not able to conceive an heir, and as Nefertiti turns her attention to producing a son, she fails to see that the powerful priests, along with the military, are plotting against her husband’s rule.

The only person wise enough to recognize the shift in political winds—and brave enough to tell the queen—is her younger sister, Mutnodjmet.

Observant and contemplative, Mutnodjmet has never shared her sister’s desire for power. She yearns for a quiet existence away from family duty and the intrigues of court.

Her greatest hope is to share her life with the general who has won her heart.

But as Nefertiti learns of the precariousness of her reign, she declares that her sister must remain at court and marry for political gain, not love.

To achieve her independence, Mutnodjmet must defy her sister, the most powerful woman in Egypt—while also remaining loyal to the needs of her family.

Love, betrayal, political unrest, plague, and religious conflict—Nefertiti brings ancient Egypt to life in vivid detail.

Fast-paced and historically accurate, it is the dramatic story of two unforgettable women living through a remarkable period in history.

“There haven’t been two more fascinating or outrageous siblings since the Boleyn sisters…Nefertiti is obsessive reading.”
– Robin Maxwell, author of The Secret Diary of Anne Boleyn

“An engrossing page-turner, Nefertiti brings ancient Egypt to life as two royal sisters struggle to find fulfillment and happiness- one craving ultimate political power, the other desiring only to follow her heart. A strong debut novel of passion and intrigue, Nefertiti kept me up way too late!”
– India Edghill, author of Wisdom’s Daughter

“A provocative portrait of limitless power in an ancient land of limitless fascination.”
– Ki Longfellow, author of The Secret Magdalene

“Nefertiti is a fascinating window into the past, a heroic story with a very human heart. Compulsively readable!”
–Diana Gabaldon, #1 New York Times bestselling author of A Breath of Snow and Ashes

About the Author
MICHELLE MORAN has a degree in English literature. She lives in California with her husband and cat, Anubis.

Flamingcrystal Author

Lucid dreams become a very scary experience… Infinite Waters.

Infinite Waters: 9+1 Speculative Fiction Short Stories (Kindle Edition) by Nicholas C. Rossis

Product Description on Amazon:
Ten speculative fiction short stories and flash fiction, written by the award-winning author of Pearseus and Runaway Smile.

Although they seem to be concerned with various themes, there are certain passions that run through them.

What is the nature of reality; digital and corporeal? Is there more to the world than we can see?

How far can we trust our senses? What are the consequences of our actions, and is it possible to change them? And if so, would we simply repeat same mistakes, or make new ones?

The anthology includes the following stories:

“Infinite Waters”: A woman seeks her future at a carnival. She discovers more than she expected.

“The Twist in the Tale”: A confused woman meanders through a sleepy town. But not all is as it seems.

“James’ Life”: A man with nothing to look forward to but oblivion, discovers it’s not that easy to escape his life.

“What’s in a Name?”: A trip to the tropics has an unexpected ending.

“The Lucky Bastard”: How far will the luckiest man alive go to escape his luck?

“Two’s a Crowd”: Blood runs thicker than water. Especially when you spill it.

“Is There a Doctor in the House?”: A high school student just loves to experiment.

“Sex and Dinner”: A timeless combination. Or is it?

“Would You Like Flies With That?”: Nothing’s scarier than a supermarket.

“*The Hand of God”: Nothing has prepared a grizzly veteran for this meeting *.
(* first published in The Power of Six)

Humorous and poignant, these short stories are exciting, intriguing and imaginative.

My favorite short story is the one with the twins that hated each other so much that they fought each other while having lucid/astral projection dreams…

In this dreams their thoughts about each other guided the outcome of this very scary experience.

Flamingcrystal Author

Fate will find a way…

Fate will find a way…

The mysterious lady of the pier…why does she controls Sofia’s behavior?

The story is about 2 women, Laura & Sofia and the decisions that they made that will have serious consequences…

I hated that rich dude that plays such a major role in Laura’s life. I’m not going to elaborate too much on the story as I don’t want to give out any spoilers.

I admire the author for writing in a language (English) other than her home language (Greek) and doing such a good job of it.

This is an enjoyable read. *I received an ARC from the author for an honest review*

The Flow (book 2) (The Lady of the Pier trilogy) (Kindle Edition)
By Effrosyni Moschoudi

Product Description on Amazon:
She won’t find peace until she finds redemption.
But it’ll take more than love; it’ll take two worlds, to merge into one.

Laura and Christian enjoy a blissful summer, while Charles watches from a distance, waiting for the right time to intervene. This time, he’s prepared to do something truly vile as to leave nothing to chance. WWII breaks out, and Laura does her best to settle in a new life, having paid a terrible price. Will she find happiness at last, or will the past continue to haunt her?

CORFU 1988
Sofia arrives in Vassilaki broken hearted over Danny. Just as a new boy comes into her life, the strange dreams start anew. Now in Brighton, she meets Danny again, but he blows hot and cold. When she sees a female apparition on the West Pier, she finds out the locals call her ‘The Lady of the Pier’. Is this the woman in her dreams and why is Sofia the only one who can see her?

Flamingcrystal Author

Akira has secrets. But so does the town of Tassamara.

A very refreshing outlook on Ghostly encounters.

A Gift of Ghosts (Tassamara Book 1) (Kindle Edition)
By Sarah Wynde

Product Description on Amazon

Akira has secrets. But so does the town of Tassamara.

Akira Malone believes in the scientific method, evolution, and Einstein’s theory of relativity. And ghosts.

All the logic and reason in the world can’t protect her from the truth—she can see and communicate with spirits.

But Akira is sure that her ability is just a genetic quirk and the ghosts she encounters simply leftover electromagnetic energy. Dangerous electromagnetic energy.

Zane Latimer believes in telepathy, precognition, auras, and that playing Halo with your employees is an excellent management technique.

He also thinks that maybe, just maybe, Akira can help his family get in touch with their lost loved ones.

But will Akira ever be able to face her fears and accept her gift? Or will Zane’s relatives be trapped between life and death forever?

Sweet-Sexy-NERDY-Seduction Scene–complete with science-y words and concepts. I’m telling you–you’re going to love it. – Novel Truths

A Gift of Ghosts is a paranormal love story written in a fresh, lively style. It’s an easy read and light-hearted despite a plot that touches on drug overdose and suicide. – Fairy Hedgehog

This is a cool little world to inhabit. I liked how the characters were friendly and likeable and you just liked to hang out with them. – Speed Reading Book Nerd Reviews

I loved this book! So much so, I might read it again. There was so much going on and even a few surprises, especially for a ghost story, and I had a really hard time putting it down. – Beth’s Reviews and Promotions

This book is a damn fine read.  I loved it from start to finish and can’t wait to read the sequel. – Laurie K, Stellar Four

I was talking out loud to the author near the end, warning her of dire consequences if she went in a certain direction … It’s a nice little feel-good fantasy. – Mean Fat Old Bat Reads.

If you are a fan of paranormal you will enjoy this fast paced, suspenseful story. The characters are believable and you will be hooked from the very first page to the last. I would recommend this book to everyone who loves paranormal. Treat yourself to a very good read. I am looking forward to reading the next book in this series – Gift of Thought. – Flamingcrystal

About the Author
Sarah Wynde graduated from Wesleyan University with a degree in English, which she actually managed to put to use by becoming an editor. She’s worked on magazines, websites, and books, including ten years spent as a senior acquisitions editor with Pearson. Eventually, her love of writing pushed her into independent publishing. She likes to think of the stories she writes as unexpected fiction—bending, blending, and occasionally breaking genres.

Flamingcrystal Author

A boy that lost his smile and a dog that reads Proust & drives a car.

Runaway Smile by
Nicholas C. Rossis

Such adorable characters, children of all ages will love this story.

I read this book on the author’s website, a while ago. The book is about a boy that lost his smile… I love the dog in this story, *pssst whisper* he reads Proust and even drives a car. The morale of this story is that everything (especially a smile) when shared is contagious and it would bring joy/love/hope to those who share! Kids of all ages would love this story with its beautiful illustrations.

Product Description
Award-Winning Finalist in the “Children’s Fiction” category of the 2015 International Book Awards! 

“I woke up this morning and I had lost my smile and it wasn’t my fault and I looked everywhere and it was gone. Then I met a workman and a king and the best salesman in the world and a clown and no-one wanted to give me theirs. At school, I asked Miss to give me hers, but she gave us a pop quiz instead, and then no-one was smiling and…”

A little boy wakes up in the morning and realizes he has lost his smile. After spending the entire day trying to find it, he learns the truth behind smiles: the only real smiles are the shared ones.

Children love handling a book and if they love it, will go to bed with it under their pillow. In my opinion ‘Runaway Smile’ is a masterpiece to be treasured for life. Most avid readers still have books from their childhood which they read over and over again. When I’m unhappy about something, I refer to one of these books. ‘Runaway Smile’ has joined the list. You have a gem in ‘Runaway Smile’. 
– Juliet Aharoni, author

About the Author
Avid reader. Web developer. Architect by training, holder of a PhD in Digital Architecture from the University of Edinburgh. Now, author. 

Nicholas loves to write. Except for Runaway Smile, he has also published the Amazon best-selling epic fantasy series, Pearseus, and The Power of Six, a collection of short sci-fi stories. 

He lives in Athens, Greece, at the edge of a forest, with his wife, dog and two very silly cats, one of whom is always sitting on his lap, so please excuse any typos in his blog posts: typing with one hand can be hard. Mercifully, all his books are professionally edited!

Flamingcrystal Author

When Carmina meets the big, dark-haired Liam Moretti, she turns the entire immortal world upside down – breaking all the rules and changing history as they know it.

Hidden Carmina (Second Breath Chronicles Book 1) (Kindle Edition) By Adri Sinclair

Fascinating characters, great supernatural storyline.

If you think this is just another vampire werewolf story, brace yourself because you will be in for a big surprise, this story is unlike any other. Thank you for depriving me of my sleep Adri… I could not put this book down and had to read it right through the night, because I was too curious to find out what was going to happen next. The book is full of twists and turns and way better than the Twilight series. I would recommend this book to all readers who love fantasy/supernatural/folklore/suspense.

Product Description
Carmina Nightshade is a 22 year old human girl who discovers the truth about her family and clan – they are not human.

As life would have it, the voices she’s heard in her head since birth has a purpose far more sinister than just being annoying.

When Carmina meets the big, dark-haired Liam Moretti, she turns the entire immortal world upside down – breaking all the rules and changing history as they know it.

To love eternally, she has to die, to die she has to live and to live… she has to learn the difference between Myth and Truth – if there is any.

***A Stranger in the night.
I gaze up and notice the colors lashing out of an angry paintbrush over the horizon. The knot in my stomach is a vivid notification, reminding me of being as irritated as the enflamed and ginger tints marking the sky. From where I’m sitting, the towering volcano in the distance looks lonely yet proud. I marvel at the magnitude of nature rendering the likes of me insignificant. I’m just a small biological mass cowering at the foot of a fire goddess; nothing special.

The prickly patches of grass and barbed brushes under my naked legs recommend moving. I inspect the scrapes and welts around my hands and knees with renewed vigor.

By the time I distinguish the human shape from the other obscure and creeping shadows, it was too late. A sense of annoyed inconvenience forces my head to look up at the person blocking my view.

What I thought I’d see was a family member. What I see is two deep, gilded eyes set in the moon-pale skin topped with dark hair rivalling black lava. I feel every last nerve recoil into tiny prickly hairs, standing straight up. The view of the man in front of me is a complete opposite rendition to fire goddess I just venerated. He is an enormous portrait hauntingly hanging in mid-air. My mouth dries rapidly but the trio who live in my mind become rather loud and verbal:

“Run!” and “Hit it!” and “Stay calm dearie, for your safety.” As so many times before in my life, I ignore them altogether. ***

From the Author
Writing Hidden Carmina started off as a project inspired by my long-standing love for all things Vampire related. I finally caved in and read the entire Twilight series in one sitting. When done, I sat down and started typing, and didn’t stop until Carmina Nightshade’s story was told.

The challenge was finding out if the work was any good. Personally, it does not matter all that much, I just wanted to see if I could write more than poetry and short stories. As it turns out – I could!

Family and friends started shouting at me to send them more and eventually convinced me to publish. Not being English, I know the book has many mistakes in it – and eventually found someone willing to do line Editing for me.
Rosie Wilmott is a fantastic editor. She’s patient and explained to me what I do wrong and how to fix it in order to make the editing on book two easier.
While Rosie is working on the mistakes, I am making the e-book free of charge to download.

I hope to continue writing, and I hope that someone at least enjoys reading it. I am by no means a phenomenon but I am absolutely in love with words, writing and the people who take the time and effort to read !

From the Inside Flap
***A Stranger in the night. 
I gaze up and notice the colors lashing out of an angry paintbrush over the horizon. The knot in my stomach is a vivid notification, reminding me of being as irritated as the enflamed and ginger tints marking the sky. From where I’m sitting, the towering volcano in the distance looks lonely yet proud. I marvel at the magnitude of nature rendering the likes of me insignificant. I’m just a small biological mass cowering at the foot of a fire goddess; nothing special. The prickly patches of grass and barbed brushes under my naked legs recommend moving. I inspect the scrapes and welts around my hands and knees with renewed vigor. 

By the time I distinguish the human shape from the other obscure and creeping shadows, it was too late. A sense of annoyed inconvenience forces my head to look up at the person blocking my view. What I thought I’d see was a family member. What I see is two deep, gilded eyes set in the moon-pale skin topped with dark hair rivalling black lava. I feel every last nerve recoil into tiny prickly hairs, standing straight up. The view of the man in front of me is a complete opposite rendition to fire goddess I just venerated. He is an enormous portrait hauntingly hanging in mid-air. My mouth dries rapidly but the trio who live in my mind become rather loud and verbal: 

“Run!” and “Hit it!” and “Stay calm dearie, for your safety.” As so many times before in my life, I ignore them altogether. ***

From the Back Cover
Carmina Nightshade is a 22 year old human girl who discovers the truth about her family and clan – they are not human. 
To love eternally, she has to die, to die she has to live and to live… she has to learn the difference between Myth and Truth – if there is any. LessAs life would have it, the voices she’s heard in her head since birth has a purpose far more sinister than just being annoying. When Carmina meets the big, dark-haired Liam Moretti, she turns the entire immortal world upside down – breaking all the rules and changing history as as they know it. 

This is not what you expect from a love story – it is EXACTLY what you expect from a love story, until you reach the darker side – where the reality clash with mythology. Where do you draw the line and how much is possible to endure? 

About the Author
Having written website content, newsletters, blogs, forum posts and managed large communities online – Adri Sinclair knows how to be social and enjoy the interactive side of being a netizen. She is 43 years old in February 2015, and when asked about her age and her late start as an writer, she smiled cheekily and said: “Age? I’m not going to tell you it is just a number, but I am going to tell you it is a summery of a life – and we all know not all summaries tells the whole story.”
Adri is Afrikaans, lived in South Africa for the majority of her life. She is one of four, the eldest and the only girl. Asked about how she managed, she stuck her tongue out and shook her head, stomping her feet and said: “Jackie Chan, he kept me alive.”

Flamingcrystal Author

Behind Closed Doors…

Behind Closed Doors by
Johan Botha

Available on Smashwords and on Amazon.

Review by Flamingcrystal:
The poor boy suffered brutal physical and emotional abuse!
I’ve purchased the Afrikaans version of this book too. I was shocked at the suffering this boy had to endure through his brutal, drugs and alcoholic sex-crazed father, and the story moved me to tears. If I have to meet this horrible father I shall kick him so damn hard ~ that he lands on his hands and feet, buttocks in the air, face down into cowdung ~ straight into Egypt!

Product Description on Amazon:
Behind Closed Doors is a book about unresolved grief, sexual and drug abuse and a look at the seedy world of a psychotic parent.

Exploring a darker side of sexual child abuse and the struggle of the child to cope with this, the book is a must read for each and every one of us.

Being sexually abused by both family members and his father, Johan is taken into the world of drugs, sex and alcohol by his father.

Forcing Johan to have sex with other men his father cruelly dominates his whole life.

Scared to death and scarred for life Johan has to make the best of it in order to survive. He becomes a loner and creates his own imaginary world of heroes and culprits.

He has trust issues leading him to live like a hermit since his childhood.

For the rest of his life he has commitment and responsibility issues.

He has to learn to cope with this as an adult and survival is a key issue to Johan.

Writing this book helped him to heal and his ideal is to reach other going through the same in order to let them know that they are not alone!

Praise received for Agter Geslote Deure:

This book has grabbed me deeply with the open honesty and soul baring of the author. It took 35 years to fight against it all. Where you find yourself is not a joke. Even against the people that are supposed to love and guard you. How does a person heal? This is one of the questions I ask myself when I see the pain that this child has to cope with. This book grabs the deepest parts of being human and in the 35 years that has gone, where was the people in the system? Where are the adults and professional people … ?

About the Author:
Johan Botha is the Author of Agter Geslote Deure and is in the process of completing various other fiction titles.

Johan has been writing since the age of 16 but only recently started re-editing and submitting his work.

He is in the process of completing various other fiction titles.

Creative writing is a passion with Johan and he has gone the extent of giving up everything else to follow a lifelong dream.

He will be giving lectures at schools and venues to make other aware of sexual and drug abuse.

Johan grew up in Johannesburg and now lives on the East Rand. His influences are Wilbur Smith, Dean Koontz and Stephen King.

Flamingcrystal Author

Wat het so ñ merkwaardige invloed op hom gehad dat hy net eenvoudig nie kon aanbeweeg nie? Daar word ñ skokkende geheim onthul…

Dejavu & Destiny: Boek 1 & Boek 2 Romantiese Weergawe (Afrikaans Edition) (Kindle Edition) by Flamingcrystal

Product Description
Romantiese weergawe, bevat nie dieselfde warm erotika van vorige uitgawes nie.

Geskik vir lesers wat daarvan hou om meer aan die verbeelding oor te laat…en minder te bloos!

Wat presies het daardie dag dag gebeur? Wat het so ñ merkwaardige invloed op Miysis gehad, dat hy net eenvoudig nie kon aanbeweeg nie?

Daar word n skokkende geheim onthul…

Iemand haat haar só erg, iemand wat nie sal skroom om enige iets te doen, om te verhoed dat sy ooit weer saam met die man sou wees wat haar hele hart en haar liggaam besit!

Dejavu en Destiny is ñ fantasie novel wat towerkuns, astrale teleportering, reïnkarnasie en minder skakerings van blosende pienk bevat.

In Dejavu maak ons kennis met Angela. Angela ontdek haar gawe van telekinesis en astrale teleportering.

In ñ astrale reis, praat Angela in ñ vreemde dialek met David. Hulle vind uit dat sy in haar vorige lewe Ishtar van Egipte was.

Uit nuuskierigheid doen Angela en David ñ astrale reis daarheen, en loop hulle vas in Miysis, Angela se sielsgenoot en minnaar, uit haar vorige lewe.

Anubis verskyn, op die toneel. Hy herken die sleutel wat die deur van die onderwêreld kon oopsluit, aan die ketting rondom Angela se nek.

In Destiny maak ons kennis met Beryl. Beryl was in haar vorige lewe Angela asook Ishtar van Egipte.

Beryl se moeder, Anchen het kort voor Beryl se geboorte ñ eienaardige sleutel in ñ ou Antieke winkeltjie, ontdek…

Die kop van hierdie sleutel was egter leeg en dit was duidelik dat daar voorheen iets binne die kop van die sleutel was.

Beryl word gebore met ñ magisterium-steen vasgeklem in haar handjie. Tot Anchen en Patrikios se verbasing, pas die magisterium-steen perfek binne die sleutel.

Hierdie sleutel wat die onderwêreld kon oopsluit, het voorheen aan ñ ketting rondom Angela, se nek gehang…
Hy het haar onder die wanindruk gebring dat hy lief is vir haar, maar hy is nie. Hy weet nie wat die woord liefde beteken nie.

Hy is ñ wrede, hartelose en manipulerende parasiet.

Beryl is pragtig, innerlik en uiterlik, Sy is goedhartig en slim. Hy is nie… Hoekom haat hy haar so? Al wat sy wou hê was liefde…
From the Author
Julle is welkom om met my te gesels op Twitter @FlamingCrystal1
From the Back Cover
Ware Liefde Roes Nooit!
About the Author
Flamingcrystal woon tans in Pongola, in Kwazulu Natal Suid-Africa. Sy het ñ BA Graad in Kleinhandel Bemarking. Flamingcrystal het 2 pragtige dogters, die lig in haar lewe. Sy geniet dit sedert haar laer-skool dae om stories te skryf… Flamingcrystal skryf fantasie, erotika, paranormale en riller stories. Sy is ñ #ASMSG lid. Sy is Afrikaans sprekend hoewel sy vlot Engels kan praat. Flamingcrystal het grootgeword op ñ plaas in die Vrystaat waar haar ouers, nog steeds boer.

Flamingcrystal Author

Hy weet nie wat die woord liefde beteken nie. Hy is ñ wrede, hartelose en manipulerende parasiet.

Product Description:
Hy het haar onder die wanindruk gebring dat hy lief is vir haar, maar hy is nie. Hy weet nie wat die woord liefde beteken nie. Hy is ñ wrede, hartelose en manipulerende parasiet. 

Sy is pragtig, innerlik en uiterlik, Sy is goedhartig en slim. Hy is nie… Hoekom haat hy haar so? Al wat sy wou hê was liefde…

Beryl herleef die verlede, niks en niemand sou haar en haar sielsgenoot uitmekaar kon hou nie, of so het sy gedink!

Sou sy ooit weer die man kon vind wat so passievol in haar vorige lewe met haar liefde gemaak het?

Astrale projektering, reïnkarnasie, die sleutel van die doderyk, en die magisterium steen word ingespan sodat hulle alle grense tussen die hede en verlede kon oorbrug.

Ware liefde roes nooit…

From the Author
Destiny is die 2de gedeelte van die reeks Dejavu.Die karakters is geloofwaardig, en lesers sal hulle kan vereenselwig met hartseer, pyn asook hemelse geluk wat Beryl ervaar het.

Jy is welkom om met my te gesels op Twitter @FlamingCrystal1

From the Inside Flap
KOPIEREG © 2013 
Die reg om Flamingcrystal (Marlaine Lloyd) as outeur van  die werk te erken, word voorbehou volgens die Kopiereg Wet 98 van 1978.

Baie dankie aan Annika van den Broek vir die gebruik van jou foto in die omslag. Baie dankie aan Jurie @swiftfalcon1 vir die ontwerp van die omslag.

From the Back Cover
Die noodlot lei mens op kruispaaie, maar ware liefde sal die regte pad vind…

About the Author
Flamingcrystal woon tans in Pongola, in Kwazulu Natal Suid-Africa. Sy het ñ BA Graad in Kleinhandel Bemarking. Flamingcrystal is ñ weduwee en sy het 2 pragtige dogters, die lig in haar lewe. Sy geniet dit sedert haar laer-skool dae om stories te skryf.
Flamingcrystal skryf fantasie, erotika, paranormaal, riller en ook stories vir jong volwassenes (tieners).
Sy is ñ #ASMSG lid. Sy is Afrikaans sprekend hoewel sy vlot Engels kan praat. Flamingcrystal het grootgeword op ñ plaas in die Vrystaat waar haar ouers, nog steeds boer.

Flamingcrystal Author

An unlikely pair—a young Puritan widow and an English spy—journeys across a land where greed and treachery abound.

Crow Hollow (Kindle Edition) By Michael Wallace

Product Description on Amazon:

In 1676, an unlikely pair—a young Puritan widow and an English spy—journeys across a land where greed and treachery abound.

Prudence Cotton has recently lost her husband and is desperate to find her daughter, captured by the Nipmuk tribe during King Philip’s war.

She’s convinced her daughter is alive but cannot track her into the wilderness alone.

Help arrives in the form of James Bailey, an agent of the crown sent to Boston to investigate the murder of Prudence’s husband and to covertly cause a disturbance that would give the king just cause to install royal governors. After his partner is murdered, James needs help too.

He strikes a deal with Prudence, and together they traverse the forbidding New England landscape looking for clues.

What they confront in the wilderness—and what they discover about each other—could forever change their allegiances and alter their destinies.

About the Author

Michael Wallace was born in California and raised in a small religious community in Utah, eventually heading east to live in Rhode Island and Vermont. In addition to working as a literary agent and innkeeper, he previously worked as a software engineer for a Department of Defense contractor, programming simulators for nuclear submarines.

He is the author of more than twenty novels, including the Wall Street Journal best selling series The Righteous, set in a polygamist enclave in the desert

Flamingcrystal Author

One man loses everything to magic–and will do anything to prevent it from taking over his world.

Touched By Magic: Magic Rising 1 By Doranna Durgin

Product Description on Amazon:
One man loses everything to magic–and will do anything to prevent it from taking over his world.
Magic has never been a part of Reandn’s life. Almost gone from Keland when he was born, there is no trace of it left by the time he patrols the Keep lands as an elite King’s Wolf.
Magic has never been a part of Reandn’s life. Until the people under his care start dying. Until the threat extends to his family-and then turns on him.

Someone, somewhere, is trying to draw magic back into Keland, and they don’t care what-or who-is destroyed in the process.

But Reandn does.
“Mystery, suspense, and loyalty fill out the plot, but primarily this novel focuses on the dangers of obsession. it also deals hauntingly with loss: of loved ones, of home and status, of entire ways of life….
It will keep you guessing right to the end, and there are no simple solutions to the complex problems presented.”
–Hypatia’s Hoard

About the Author:
Doranna Durgin is the author of seven fantasy novels the first of which, Dun Lady’s Jess, received the 1995 Compton Crook/Stephen Tall Award for the best first novel in the fantasy, science fiction and horror genres.

Flamingcrystal Author

Ceony must face the evil magician and embark on an unbelievable adventure that will take her into the chambers of Thane’s still-beating heart—and reveal the very soul of the man.

The Paper Magician (The Paper Magician Series, Book 1) (Kindle Edition) by Charlie N. Holmberg
#BestSeller current overall sales rank #45 on Amazon!

Product Description on Amazon:

Ceony Twill arrives at the cottage of Magician Emery Thane with a broken heart.

Having graduated at the top of her class from the Tagis Praff School for the Magically Inclined, Ceony is assigned an apprenticeship in paper magic despite her dreams of bespelling metal. And once she’s bonded to paper, that will be her only magic…forever.

Yet the spells Ceony learns under the strange yet kind Thane turn out to be more marvelous than she could have ever imagined—animating paper creatures, bringing stories to life via ghostly images, even reading fortunes.

But as she discovers these wonders, Ceony also learns of the extraordinary dangers of forbidden magic.

An Excisioner—a practitioner of dark, flesh magic—invades the cottage and rips Thane’s heart from his chest.

To save her teacher’s life, Ceony must face the evil magician and embark on an unbelievable adventure that will take her into the chambers of Thane’s still-beating heart—and reveal the very soul of the man.

Short-Listed for the 2015 ALA Fantasy Reading List

Review From School Library Journal:
Gr 10 Up—In early 20th century England, 19-year-old Ceony Twill graduates with distinction from the Praff School for the Magically Inclined and must now commit to a lifetime bond with one element. Although bespelling metal is Ceony’s choice, she is, much to her dismay, required to bond to paper owing to a shortage of paper magicians. She reluctantly travels to the cottage of magician Emery Thane, to whom she will apprentice. Although she’s initially scornful of the paper element, Thane wins over his prickly apprentice with inventive and delightful paper creations including a lifelike paper dog that becomes Ceony’s beloved companion.
The story swiftly moves to deadly serious, as Lira, an Excisioner who practices dark magic on human flesh, arrives intending to rip out and steal Thane’s heart. (Lira, coincidentally, is Thane’s ex-wife.)

About the Author:
Born in Salt Lake City, Charlie N. Holmberg was raised a Trekkie alongside three sisters who also have boy names. In addition to writing fantasy novels, she is also a freelance editor. She graduated from BYU, plays the ukulele, owns too many pairs of glasses, and hopes to one day own a dog. The Paper Magician is her debut novel and the first in a whimsical series exploring a world of magicians who animate manmade materials. She currently lives with her family in Utah.

Flamingcrystal Author

A book keeper, an angel & a demon~who has a certain taste for pressing them both against walls.

Her Warriors’ Three Wishes (Dante’s Circle Book 2) (Kindle Edition) by Carrie Ann Ryan

Product Description on Amazon:
Book 2 in the Dante’s Circle Series – A Full Length Novel

Humans aren’t as alone as they choose to believe. Every human possesses a trait of supernatural that lays dormant within their genetic make-up.

Centuries of diluting and breeding have allowed humans to think they are alone and untouched by magic.

But what happens when something changes?

Ambrose Griffin is older than most, if not all, civilizations. As each year passes, he submerges himself into his training, only relaxing around his protégé and friend, Shade. After losing his wife and children in the last Angelic Wars, he guards his heart and has no desire to share it with another.

Bookkeeper and romance novel enthusiast, Jamie Bennett dreams of being swept off her feet by a white knight. However, her life is no romance book. Since meeting Ambrose–a sexy, delicious angel–she’s been twisted inside out and doesn’t know why. Things are happening that she can’t control and now her life is in danger.

Balin Drake is stuck in hell, literally. His life of refusing to take souls, even though it’s part of his demon nature, has caught up with him. He’s dying and now must search for his true half, but even a mating may not save him. When he meets the two people who could fill that part, he’ll need to fight for something he hasn’t felt in over a century–hope.

Warning: Contains a rigid angel who needs a certain sexy woman to help him unwind, a book keeper who finds herself the creamy center of the best cookie ever, and a demon who has a certain taste for pressing them both against walls.

From the Author
Dante’s Circle Series Reading Order
Book 1: Dust of My Wings
Book 2: Her Warriors’ Three Wishes
Book 3: An Unlucky Moon 
The Dante’s Circle Box Set (Contains Books 1-3)
Book 3.5: His Choice
Book 4: Tangled Innocence
Book 5: Fierce Enchantment 
Book 6: An Immortal’s Song (Coming Soon)
Book 7: Prowled Darkness (Coming Soon)

Other Paranormal Romances from Carrie Ann Ryan
Redwood Pack Series Reading Order
Includes Novellas and the Spin off Series, The Talon Pack
Book 1: An Alpha’s Path
Book 2: A Taste for a Mate
Book 3: Trinity Bound
Book 3.5: A Night Away
Book 4: Enforcer’s Redemption
Book 4.5: Blurred Expectations
Book 4.7: Forgiveness
Book 5: Shattered Emotions 
Book 6: Hidden Destiny
Book 6.5: A Beta’s Haven 
Book 7: Fighting Fate 
Book 7.5: Loving the Omega 
Book 7.7: The Hunted Heart 
Book 8: Wicked Wolf 
Book 9: Tattered Loyalties 
Book 10: An Alpha’s Choice (Coming Aug 18th, 2015)

Branded Packs Series Reading Order (w/ Alexandra Ivy)
Book 1: Stolen and Forgiven (Coming July 2015)
Book 2: Abandoned and Unseen (Coming Sept 2015

Holiday Montana Series Reading Order
Book 1: Charmed Spirits
Book 2: Santa’s Executive
Book 3: Finding Abigail
The Holiday Montana Box Set (Contains Books 1-3)
Book 4: Her Lucky Love
Book 5: Dreams of Ivory

Flamingcrystal Author

Vicky skop haar skool skoene uit dat dit met ñ boog deur haar slaapkamer vlieg. Die een skoen tref die TV. Die ander skoen tref die musiek speler. Flippit! Dit is glad nie waarheen ek gemik het nie, dink Vicky verbaas.

Skielik voel dit vir haar asof onsigbare hande rondom haar keel vou en haar begin wurg.
Vicky hyg na asem, maar sy weier om bang te raak.
Sy kners hoorbaar op haar tande en bal haar hande in vuiste. Vicky slaan met haar vuisies teen die onsigbare hande rondom haar keel.
Asof die gees Vicky se hardkoppigheid en bravade kon aanvoel, verslap dit meteens die greep, rondom haar keel, en Vicky kon nou weer vrylik asemhaal.
Die oomblik toe die onsigbare hande hul greep om haar nek verslap, hou die musiek op met speel.
Die TV maak nou slegs statiese geluide, daar is niks op die skerm nie. Vicky slaak ñ sug van verligting, dat ‘hulle’ kon aanvoel dat sy nie bang is nie. Sy dink dankie tog, hulle het nou die aftog geblaas, en gaan my nou in vrede laat.
Altans só het Vicky, gehoop…
Vicky skop haar skool-skoene uit dat dit met ñ boog deur haar slaapkamer vlieg.
Die een skoen tref die TV. Die ander skoen tref die musiek speler. Flippit! Dit is glad nie waarheen ek gemik het nie, dink Vicky verbaas.
Onmiddelik skakel die TV en die musiek speler weer aan.
Oorverdowende statiese geluide, kom uit beide. Daarna begin dieselfde fliek met die eienaardige boom op die TV wys, en dieselfde liedjie Dream a little dream of me op die musiek speler.
Hierdie keer klink die agtergrond musiek vanuit die TV boosaardig, byna soos donderweer.
Die dream woord in die liedjie klink asof dit vashaak op die ‘e’ en klink vir Vicky so: dr-eeeee- en het so ñ hoë frekwensie, dat dit vir Vicky voel asof haar oordromme daarvan wil bars. Vicky druk haar hande, oor haar ore.
Dit help, nie. Die klank uit die musiek sentrum sny deur murg en been.
Vicky raak lighoofdig van die geluid. Sy gaan sit op haar bed en vou haar kussing oor haar kop. “Hou op, hou op, hou op!” Gil Vicky, woedend.
Hierdie keer, hou dit nie op nie.
Vicky voel hoe iemand haar optel en haar na die TV toe dra. “Sit my neer, jou vertraagde idioot!” Beveel Vicky, al skoppende en skreeuende. Vicky sien hoe die gesigte in die boom op die TV se skerm vir haar grynslag.
Angelique hoor die geluid van donderweer wat uit Vicky se kamer kom, en die harde hoë frekwensie van die Cd wat vashaak. Daarna hoor sy, haar dogter se gille.
Sy hardloop dadelik na Vicky se slaap kamer. Angelique ruk die deur van Vicky se kamer oop, en geskok sien sy hoe Vicky al sittende deur die lug vlieg, reguit na die TV toe. Angelique se hare rys.
Kopiereg Flamingcrystal
Geeste Portaal (Afrikaans Edition)#Magic #GhostRevenge #Paranormal

The souls are reborn without any knowledge of a prior life.

Dejavu starts with the adventures of Angela, a woman that discovers that she has lived before, as Ishtar from Egypt. She astral travels to Egypt to discover that her powers could open the entrance to a pyramid.

She also finds Miysis, her lover and soulmate from her previous life. 

David, a friend of hers with photographic memory, reads the famous Book of the Dead and wants to use it for financial gain.

Vampire-like monsters try to suck the book’s knowledge through his veins, but Miysis rescues him and Angela and heals David’s wounds, also clouding his memory.

David returns to Egypt to steal the Book of the Dead.

Miysis was given the choice to either reincarnate or acquire a power.  He chose to attain the power of healing.

Would Anubis finally gave him the chance to reincarnate?

In Destiny we meet Ambrose Linard.

His poor parents struggled for years to have a child. An old lady with magical powers finally allowed their wish to have a baby to come true.

We also meet Angela’s reincarnation, Beryl. When Beryl’s mother was pregnant with her, she dreamed about a specific jewellery box and bought this and a key at an antique shop.

Anchen, unknowingly, found the key to the underworld that was around Angela’s neck, in this antique shop, although the scarab head of the key was empty and the stone inside gone.

Beryl was born with the philosopher’s stone clutched into her left hand. The stone fit perfectly inside the scarab head of the key to the underworld.

When Beryl grew up, her husband pushed her over the edge of the mountain. She lost her baby and the use of her legs.

She turned to Ambrose for help; an orthopedist with great healing powers. He lets her regain the use of her legs, and she discovers in him her soulmate, Miysis, from her previous life. 

Beryl placed the philosopher’s stone in his hands and the stone reflected his past lives, allowing him to recognize her as Angela and Ishtar.
Beryl’s ex husband dressed as a Grinch tries to kill Beryl, but the bullet hits Ambrose.

Ambrose is seriously wounded, and unconscious. While unconscious, Hermes, the carrier of souls to the under world, grabs Ambrose and drags him to the magical tree that guards the river to the underworld.

Hermes pushed Ambrose inside the boat of a winged man. The winged man took Ambrose across the river Styx, also called the River of Forgetfulness, which is full of ugly beast-like creatures.

The water from this river lets the souls forget about their past…and within 3 minutes they are reborn without any knowledge of a prior life.

Copyright ©Flamingcrystal.

Leon sing in die skool se koor. Hy het ñ sagte soet sopraan stem. Sy stem klink soos ñ meisie s’n.

Leon sing in die skool se koor. Hy het ñ sagte soet sopraan stem. Sy stem klink soos ñ meisie s’n. Die dag toe Leon en Vicky vir die sang oudisie gegaan het, was daar slegs plek vir nog een sopraan stem in die skool se koor. Helmien, Leon se moeder, het aangedring dat Leon vir die skool koor se oudisie moes gaan. Een kyk na sy moeder se kwaai gesig, het hom laat besluit, dat hy sy bes moes lewer. Hy het nie kans gesien daarvoor, dat sy hom moes uitskel as ñ nikswerd, indien hy nie die oudisie sou slaag nie. Leon het geweet dat Vicky, gekies sou word en hy moes dit verhoed… Gedeelte uit Geeste Portaal. Kopiereg ©Flamingcrystal.

Hulle het gedink hy is ‘Gods Gift to Teenage Girls’…

Charlie daardie vermetele pes, wat hy aan my gedoen het, was onvergeeflik, dink Vicky dadelik en bal haar vuiste woedend. Charlie is buitengewoon aantreklik. Hy is nou 18 jaar oud, lank, frisgebou, met ligbruin hare en donkerblou oë en het ñ ‘sixpack’ wat skrik vir niks, omrede hy 2 ure per dag in die gymnasium deurbring het. Die meisies het gesleeptong agter hom aan. Charlie het voorgee dat hy regtig geinteresseerd in Vicky was. Charlie was deeglik daarvan bewus dat al die meisies enigiets vir hom sou doen, omdat hulle gedink het hy is ‘Gods Gift to Teenage Girls’… Vicky moet wraak neem op al die mense wat haar ñ onreg aangedoen het. Sy moet fokus op hulle siel, ego en self om hulle tot ñ val te bring. Daar is 12 take wat sy suksesvol as ñ Gees moes afhandel, alvorens sy weer as ñ lewende, normale tiener kon terugkeer na haar wêreld.

Al ‘gap’ wat hy gaan kry is ñ nuwe ‘gap’ tussen sy voortande, dink Vicky vies.

“Oh hier is jy mooi ding, ek het gewonder waarheen jy verdwyn het”, fluister Charlie in Vicky se oor, en plak hom op die bankie langsaan haar neer.

Charlie vryf, oor Vicky se knieg. “Gedra jou!” Vermaan Vicky, hom. Vicky stoot sy hand weg.

Charlie maak asof hy dit nie agter kom nie, en sit sy hand weer op Vicky se knieg.
Hierdie keer vryf hy sy duim in sirkels oor haar knieg en skielik voel Vicky hoe sy hand daarna tot hoog teen haar binne been, onder haar kort rooi rompie begin vryf. “Moenie dit doen, nie.” Beveel Vicky hom, saggies.

Sy wil nie ñ ‘scene’ maak en die ander leerlinge wat daar langsaan hulle verby stap se aandag op hulle vestig nie.

Charlie grinnik. Siestog, dit is seker die eerste keer dat ñ man aan haar been vat, sy is seker maar ñ bietjie skamerig. “Ag kom nou gee ñ ou ñ ‘gap’ jy is so sexy oulike dingetjie.” Fluister hy, terwyl hy aan haar oor knibbel.

Al ‘gap’ wat jy gaan kry is ñ nuwe ‘gap’ tussen jou voortande, dink Vicky vies.

Gedeelte uit die Minnaar – Hoofstuk uit Geeste Portaal. ©Kopiereg Flamingcrystal

Klementos worked for a miserly duke who paid his servants a pittance.

Destiny – Copyright 2014. Flamingcrystal
In a small Greek village called Panteleimonas, about 3 kilometer from a castle that looks out over the ocean, a small boy is born.

He has pitch black hair and violet eyes and his parents name him Ambrose Ciro.

They struggled for 8 long years to have a child, until one fateful day, having traveled to the ocean with their old, worn-down cart (pulled along by a pair of equally downtrodden horses), intent on enjoying a day by the sea, they came upon a frail old woman.

Klementos and Aretha had a hard life and were very poor. Klementos worked for a miserly duke who paid his servants a pittance.

As the harvest season had ended and grapes that were to be used for wine had been crushed, Klementos had a precious few days to himself (for the duke did not care to pay when there was no work to be done) and decided to take Aretha for a day by the sea.

The beach was deserted and quiet, the sea was a bright aqua-blue color and calm.

There didn’t seem to be anybody in sight, when they suddenly heard a piercing scream; a call for help.

Far out to sea they could see a tiny old woman thrashing between the waves. It was clear that she wasn’t a very good swimmer and that she would drown without help, so Klementos and Aretha both ran to the water and swam out to save her from such a fate.

When they got to her she desperately flung her arms around them both and they brought her to the safety of the shore.

When they were clear of the water Klementos picked the old woman up and carried her to the shade of a nearby tree.

Once there they could see that she had strange, silver colored eyes and as she took their hands in hers they felt an electric shock pass through them.

In a clear, pure voice, a voice that did not belong in such a tiny, frail body, she said: “My name is Circe.”

Circe wore a silver chain around her neck with an onyx amulet in the shape of a beetle.

She noticed Aretha looking at it intently, and she told them that in Egypt the beetle symbolized the triumph over suffering, the cycle of life, as well as rebirth after death.

With a smile she told them that their greatest wish – that of having a child – would soon be granted. But for this to come to pass they had to listen intently and follow her advice to the letter.

Aretha then asked the old woman if she were perhaps a witch, in reply to which the old woman asked, with some amusement, whether she looked like a typical witch.

Aretha laughed and replied: “No, of course not! If you were a typical witch you would have a nose that stuck out past your chin with a great big wart on it. Your belly would hang past your knees and you would have toenails long enough for a farmer to plough his lands with!”

Die eerste eienaardige droom – Deel 2 – Geeste Portaal

Die eerste aand wat Vicky hierdie droom gehad het, het die fliek begin met die klipperige paadjie wat kronkelend deur die woud gaan. Vicky het haar nie aan die fliek gesteur nie, en die TV afgeskakel.
In haar droom sien sy haarself voor haar studeer tafel sit, met die wiskunde handboek oop daarop.
Vicky sit en luister na musiek terwyl sy studeer. Sy tok-tok ritmies met ñ pen in haar een hand en ñ potlood in haar ander hand, op die maat van die pop/rock liedjie “Royals’ van die jongste pop sensasie Lorde, langsaan die wiskunde handboek op haar studeer tafel.
Dit het vir Vicky gevoel asof sy wakker was.

Niks, noemenswaardigs gebeur, in haar droom nie. Vicky het wakker geword, en elke detail van haar droom onthou. Sy het gedink dat haar droom maar uiters vervelend was.

Vicky het heel uitgerus, gevoel.

Sy het vinnig deur die stort gaan spring, aangetrek, en by die huis uitgestorm. Vicky se ponie-stert wip op en af, soos wat sy hardloop om betyds by die bushalte, ñ klein entjie vanaf hulle huis, te kom.

Die skoolbus wag net 5 minute voordat dit vertrek.

Vicky was egter te laat, en die bus het sonder haar vertrek. Haar moeder was briesend omdat Vicky soveel tyd in die badkamer verspil het, en daarom te laat was vir die bus.

Haar Moeder, Angelique, het omtrent haar toys uit die kot gesmyt omdat Vicky laat was, en haar toe self met hulle ou tweede-handse Toyota Tazz skool toe geneem.

Daardie oggend, het sy vir Vicky omtrent ñ oor-vol gegee.

Vicky het haar oë gerol, toe Angelique so gal af gaan.
Sy het haar, skouers opgetrek. Sonder om haar verder aan haar ma te steur, het Vicky haar MP3 speler se gehoor stukkies in haar ore gedruk, sodat sy tog net ontslae kon wees van haar ma se genjaf-njaf.

Sedert haar vader hulle letterlik en figuurlik op straat gesmyt het, 3 jaar gelede, voel dit vir Vicky asof haar ma die hele tyd net wil bitch en moan oor alles.
©Flamingcrystal (Marlaine Lloyd)

Posted from WordPress for BlackBerry.

Forbidden Mind…

Forbidden Mind by Karpov Kinrade

This book should be made into a movie! The combination of sci-fi, and paranormal make this a very refreshing story.

Sam is a gifted girl with the super power of mind reading, a member of Rent-A-Kid, an organization that takes gifted children away from their parents and using these children’s super powers for their own financial gain.

The children believe that they would leave the organization when they turn 18…

I am looking forward to reading the Forbidden Fire and Forbidden Life.

Product Description on Amazon:
From USA Today bestselling author Karpov Kinrade comes an award-winning series full of romance and page-turning suspense.

She reads minds. He controls minds. Together, they might get out alive.

I’ve seen into the minds of killers and have crawled into the darkest mental corners of humanity, but even I wasn’t prepared for this.

I thought that when I turned 18 I would be released from my secret school of paranormal spies and free to follow my dreams and make my own life. That’s what we all thought. Until I met Drake.

Everything changed when I linked minds with the blond-haired boy strapped to that gurney. In my wildest dreams I couldn’t have imagined the dangerous truth behind my life.
And now time is running out. We must work together to save ourselves and everyone we love. Before it’s too late.

Winner of 2011 Forward National Literature Award

From the Author
This series was based on a dream I had of a teenage girl named Sam who could read minds and was rented out by an organization called Rent-A-Kid. I thought it would be a short story, so I penned it quickly before I planned on launching The Reluctant Familiar and The Chronicles of Corinne (Death by Destiny, Myths of Magic and Paths to Power). Boy was I wrong.What started as a short story, ended as an entire trilogy. Not only that, but come 2013 I have two more potential trilogies to write based on the Forbidden world.

This series explores the value of a human life and how we often see each other as tools to be used.

There are ethical questions raised as Sam and Drake struggle to understand their powers and each other. 

It’s also a love story, albeit unconventional. What is it about someone that causes us to follow in love with them? Do we have to be physically present with someone to know it’s love? Sam and Drake explore the boundaries of love, loss, pain and morality in this series.

These are fast-paced books that are part paranormal/sci-fi, part thriller and part romance. I look forward to hearing what you think about each book as you work your way through the series.

I’m especially excited to offer this omnibus edition that gives you all three books in one at a great discount, plus gives you extra surprise content.

Thank you so much for taking an interested in the Forbidden world that has commanded my time and attention for so long. May you root for Sam, Drake, Luke, Lucy and their friends as much as I did while writing them.

About the Author
Kinrade was born with ink in her veins and magic in her heart and is the female half of the husband and wife writing duo of bestselling, award-winning authors Kimberly Kinrade and Dmytry Karpov published as Karpov Kinrade.

Together, they write fantasy, paranormal, mystery, contemporary and romance and hook readers into new and exciting worlds with writing that blends side-splitting humor, heart-wrenching drama, spine-tingling suspense and sigh-inducing happily ever afters.

Visit their website to learn about their many series and books.

They live with their three little girls who think they’re ninja princesses with super powers and who are also showing a propensity for telling tall tales and using the written word to weave stories of wonder and magic.

Find them at

Arianna Rose lives in a run down trailer with her mother. Her mother is an alcoholic who picked up strangers at bars.

Arianna’s Awakening (Arianna Rose Part 1 & The Awakening Part 2) By Jennifer Martucci, Christopher Martucci

The story is well written and a real page turner.

The story is about the 18 year old Arianna Rose, who lives in a run down trailer with her mother. Her mother is an alcoholic who picked up strangers at bars.

Arianna met Luke and his sister Stephanie at her new school.

Arianna has telekinetic and other powers that she was unaware of. She moved the chair out from under a snobbish girl in class, just by willing the chair to move.

When Arianna fell with her bike, totaling it, and her clothes were in shreds, there were no signs of any injuries on her.

At a club when she and Stephanie sneaked outside for a smoke, they encountered 2 bad guys who intended to rape them. Arianna used her powers to save them from such a fate.

Arianna didn’t know that she was a witch, nor did she know that she has any powers. A mad priest, believing that God is giving him instructions to kill witches, is on Sola (Arianna’s) trail…

I would love to read the sequel, Arianna Rose: The Awakening (Part 2).

Product Description on Amazon:
Moving from place to place is nothing new to Arianna Rose. Always finding herself on the wrong side of the tracks wherever she goes, she’s used to being an outcast, used to not fitting in.

But nothing prepares her for what happens when she and her mother move to Herald Falls. Changes occur. Violence erupts.

Arianna learns she’s not an ordinary teenage girl. She’s different… and deadly.

Suddenly empowered with abilities she cannot harness, Arianna struggles to discover the meaning behind their abrupt appearance.

And she’s not alone.

Someone else seeks to understand her powers, and to destroy her.

In this spellbinding first installment of the Arianna Rose series, Arianna must come to terms with what she is, and how to protect herself from forces that hunt her.

Mesmerizing and enthralling, Arianna Rose will leave you on the edge of your seat, eagerly awaiting Part 2.

The Most Luxurious Medieval Manuscripts

An amazing post by Nicholas Rossis, award winning author. I love the breathtakingly beautiful jeweled bound manuscrips.

Nicholas C. Rossis

I have Anika Burgess and Vittoria Traverso of Atlas Obscura to thank for the beautiful images you can enjoy below and for the fascinating tale of the Luneborch manuscript; a long-lost 15-century prayer book that had been missing for some 40 years.

The Luneborch Manuscript

Luneborch Prayer Book | From the blog of Nicholas C. Rossis, author of science fiction, the Pearseus epic fantasy series and children's book Two pages from the Luneborch Prayer Book. Back cover, Lindau Gospels, c. late eighth century. Image via Atlas Obscura

One day in 2012, the rare books assistant at the George Peabody Library at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, opened a package that had been delivered to the library’s mailbox. Inside was a long-lost 15th-century illuminated prayer book.

Luneborch Prayer Book | From the blog of Nicholas C. Rossis, author of science fiction, the Pearseus epic fantasy series and children's book A page from the Luneborch Prayer Book. 

The manuscript is one of the rare examples of vernacular spirituality—meaning it was for personal use, not in a church—from early Renaissance Germany. Known as the Prayer Book of Hans Luneborch, it had been commissioned in 1492. The book had…

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Boer met jou vetplante.

Dit is so oulik en dankie vir jou moeite om ons stap vir stap te wys hoe


Dit is nou al ‘n geruime tyd wat ek hierdie oulike manier met jul wil deel, maar ek moes eers ‘n klompie weke wag voordat ek genoeg stap vir stap foto’s kon kry. UIteindelik het die tyd aangebreek!

Ons almal se ma’s en ouma’s en vriendinne het al vir ons gesê dat om vetplante meer te maak so maklik soos een twee drie is. “Jy pluk net ‘n blaar af en steek hom in die grond.” is die raad wat ek meeste van die tyd gerky het. Dit is omtrent so maklik, maar as jy hier op Standerton bly sal jy weet dat die voëls hier byna enigiets sal eet en is dit dus nutteloos om te probeer om net die blaar in die grond te steek, want die volgende dag is dit moontlik uitgepluk of opgevreet. Toe gaan loer ek so bietjie op my heel gunsteling webtuiste genaamd Pinterest…

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Digitizing A 6-Feet-Tall Atlas

I’m reblogging this great post by the award winning author Nicholas Rossis.

Nicholas C. Rossis

Are you looking for an impressive image to add to your blog? All you have to do is Google for it and it appears, as if by magic, on your screen—even if it’s an image taken from a centuries-old book. Spare a thought, however, for the poor people who have been tasked with putting it online in the first place.

Digitizing old books in their collections is a routine part of the work undertaken by archives and libraries. This both preserves the books and makes their content more accessible to the public. But what happens when you need to scan one that’s nearly six feet tall?

The Klencke Atlas | Azure Fire Publishing: encouraging youth-friendly Fantasy & Sci-Fi literacy through writing challenges The Klencke Atlas. Photo: THE BRITISH LIBRARY/PUBLIC DOMAIN.

The Klencke Atlas

At five feet, ten inches tall, and seven feet, seven inches wide when open, the Klencke Atlas is a massive collection of 41 maps. It was made as a gift to King Charles II by

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Scammers Break The Kindle Store

No wonder some of those #1 books i’ve read are crap and I stopped reading at 2%. Such a waste of my time and data, which could have been spend on real and deserving authors…

Donkerbruin water en gebreekte bottels…

Ek’t gisteraand gedroom ek ry voor op n tandem fiets, maar teenstellend met realiteit, is ek nie die een wat die trapwerk of die stuurwerk doen nie, en die fiets is nie tenvolle uitgerus soos n tandem nie. Die sitplek agter is baie groter en stewiger. Daar is slegs pedale en handvatsels aan die agterkant.
My sitplek is baie hoër en kleiner, en ek kan net aan my sitplek vashou. Soort van uitkyk pos. Ek kan die persoon agter my nie sien nie, hoewel ek sy teenwoordigheid aanvoel.
Ons ry in n vlei land/moeras oorgroei met lang biesies en gras, nêrens is daar enige voetpad sigbaar nie. Die persoon agter my luister na my stem, wanneer ek sê pasop, hou meer links, gaan stadiger, dan voer hy my opdragte uit.
Ons moet uit die moeras kom, ons soek na n plek waar ons uit kan kom waar daar nie diep water is nie, in die diep water skuil gevaar. Ons ry n hele ruk voordat ons n oopte tussen die riete sien, die persoon agter my gee vet daarheen.
Hy sien nie die diep sloot voor ons raak nie. Donkerbruin modderwater vloei met n skuimende spoed deur die sloot. Daar lê gebreekte bottels op die rand van die sloot. Ek roep net betyds uit en waarsku hom teen die gevaar en hy bring die fiets tot n glyende stop.
Die fiets hang skuins. Ek voel hoe gly ek van die sitplek af, ek gryp aan die onderkant van die saal vas en hys myself met moeite, terug tot in die saal. Met’n hart wat tamboer in my ore, skrik ek wakker…

Die baksteen tref hom kolskoot en hy slaan soos n brahmaan bul neer.

Marlaine Lloyd 2 January 15:55
Kopiereg ©Flamingcrystal … Ek is oppad uit n groot ontspanningsaal waar baie deftige mense sit, ek stap uit om vars lug te gaan skep want die snobistiese mense en aansitterige atmosfeer is so dik dat self n rapier nie daardeur sou kon sny nie.

Hoofpyn speel tamboer teen my slape.
Dankbaar asem ek die vars lug buite in.

Skielik sien ek n jong man van ongeveer 25 jaar oud, met n kaal baba seuntjie van so 3 of 4 maande oud, aangestap kom na die saal se deur toe.

Hy is n honderd meter van die deur af. Hy hou die babaseuntjie vas aan die baba se arms en met sy arms uitgestrek so vêr as hy moontlik van sy lyf af.

Die babatjie se maag werk dit lyk soos water, water wat pikswart word soos wanneer n seekat homself desmoers geskrik het en homself en alles rondom hom pikswart beskyt/bespuit.

Die man skreeu kliphard “al wat jy fokken doen is tjank en kak, ek wil jou nie hê nie, wou nog nooit…die babatjie skrik vir die wrede trek om die man se mond en sy harde stem en die babatjie se onder-lippie begin eers bewe voordat hy droewig begin huil.

“Stop jou donnerse getjank” gil die man op die babatjie. Die man se plathand tref die klein boudjies soos n kanonskoot.

Ek hardloop dadelik nader. Ek is woedend. Briesend. Voordat ek hulle bereik, plak hy die huilende babatjie op die harde klipperige grond voor die saal neer en stap fluitend en ongeërg die saal binne.

Ek tel die babatjie op. Hy hou dadelik op met huil. Groot groen ogies bekyk my nuuskierig en skielik glimlag hy en praat in brabbel taal met my, terwyl sy maer vingertjies hulself in my lang hare inwoel.

Ek stap die saal binne en gaan soek die man. Ek kry hom luidkeels aan die lag tussen n paar jong meisies wat openlik drool oor sy mooi voorkoms.

Ek gryp hom met my een hand voor die bors en lig hom van sy voete af. Sy oë rek en voordat hy iets kon sê, snou ek hom toe “JY is n flippen nikswerd gemors, om jou siek babatjie buite op die grond neer te plak en dan doodluiters hier te kom ginnegaap. Ek bliksem jou vandag dood, jou werfetter. Hoor jy my?”

Doodse stilte daal in die saal neer. Selfs die orkes het ophou speel. Almal hou asem op.

Die knaap het wragtig die vermetelheid om vir my te lag en na my te spoeg, al hang hy n hele ent bo die vloer.

Ek plak hom ontsag op die grond neer.

Ek maak seker die babatjie is gemaklik in my linker arm, voordat ek my regter vuis van my tone af swaai en die vent op sy ken slaan. Hy val agteroor en spring dadelik regop soos n jack in the box. Hy wil naderstorm maar een kyk na my woedende geel oë, laat hom agteruit tree.

“Hier, vat jou kind nou dadelik hospitaal toe, ek sal jou volg, en ek sal jou elke dag dophou om te sien of jy hierdie babatjie seermaak. Waar is jou vrou?”

Hy vat die babatjie en drafstap die saal uit om so gou as moontlik van my af weg te kom. Oor sy skouer antwoord hy “Sy het gaan drugs koop”
Ek sit hom dadelik agterna en ruk die baba uit sy arms. “Fokkedorie julle gomgatte! Ek gaan nie toesien dat julle hom vermoor nie, ek sal hom self hospitaal toe vat en self vir hom sorg”

Die man hol weg dat die klippies spat en so 100 meter verder gaan hy op n veilige afstand staan en dapper skreeu hy “Jou fokken mal, kortgat vroumens, jy kan die kind met die grootste graagte hou, jy spite my fokkol deur hom te vat nie, sorg jy net dat hy sy pote nooit weer oor my drumpel sit nie, ek haat kinders”

Ek gryp n baksteen en gooi dit woedend na hom. Dit tref hom kolskoot tussen sy skouerblaaie en hy slaan soos n brahmaan bul neer.

Ek stap op my tyd nader en skreeu vir hom ” JY bulletjie wil ek bitter graag in n ossie verander sodat jy geen vroumens ooit weer swanger sou kon maak nie. n Burdozo se rekkies werk uitstekend vir enige bul se oorywerige, jeukende balletjies.”

Die man se oë is nou so groot soos pierings. Hy hys homself handeviervoet orent en begin soos n krap handeviervoet wegskarrel. Doodbang.

Ek geniet die vrees wat ek in hom ontketen.

Die babatjie begin meteens tevrede ghoe-ghaa-ghaa brabbel en druk sy duimpie in sy mond. My hart smelt en die woede verlaat my onmiddellik.

Ek draai my rug op die man en stap na my kar toe, klim in en sit die babatjie op my skoot en gordel ons stewig met die veiligheidgordel vas. Ek jaag met n spoed hospitaal toe.

*Ek skrik wakker* Jinne dit was n eienaardige droom wat ek gisteraand gehad het. Wonder wat dit kan beteken julle?


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Effrosyni's blog


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